The objective of this part is to explain how to get started using the WiFi functionalities of the ESP32, more precisely how to scan surrounding WiFi networks and how to connect to a specific WiFi network. This part will also cover getting some parameters, such as the local IP of the ESP32 when connected to the WiFi network, and also its MAC address. We will also cover how to disconnect from the WiFi network.
Your ESP32 has a wifi module.
library allows an Arduino board to connect to the internet. It can serve as either a server accepting incoming connections or a client making outgoing ones. The library supports WEP and WPA2 Personal encryption, but not WPA2 Enterprise. Also note, if the SSID is not broadcast, the shield cannot connect.
The first thing we are going to do is including the WiFi.h library
#include <WiFi.h>
Next, we will declare two global variables to hold our WiFi network credentials, more precisely the network name (SSID) and the password.
const char* ssid = "yourNetworkName";
const char* password = "yourNetworkPassword";
void scanNetworks() {
int numberOfNetworks = WiFi.scanNetworks();
Serial.print("Number of networks found: ");
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNetworks; i++) {
Serial.print("Network name: ");
Serial.print("Signal strength: ");
Serial.print("MAC address: ");
//Serial.print("Encryption type: ");
//Serial.print(WiFi.encryptionType(i)); the type is wifi_auth_mode_t
void connectToNetwork() {
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("Establishing connection to WiFi..");
Serial.println("Connected to network");
void printWiFiInfo() {
Json is an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types (or any other serializable value). It is a very common data format, with a diverse range of applications. More info
To use json parser in Arduino you should search for ArduinoJSON v6. More info
DynamicJsonDocument doc(200);
doc["sensor"] = "gps";
doc["time"] = 1351824120;
JsonArray data = doc.createNestedArray("data");
String output;
serializeJsonPretty(doc, output);// You can also use serializeJson(doc, Serial);
// The above line prints:
// {
// "sensor": "gps",
// "time": 1351824120,
// "data": [
// 48.756080,
// 2.302038
// ]
// }
DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024);
deserializeJson(doc, input);
JsonObject obj =<JsonObject>();
long time = obj["time"];
int firstdata = obj["data"][0];
The objective of this part is to explain how to send HTTP requests First, You need to include this header.
#include <HTTPClient.h>
To send a HTTP Get request, you can use the following code. More Info
void SendGetRequest()
if ((WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)) { //Check the current connection status
HTTPClient http;
http.begin(""); //Specify the URL
//(A test json server:
int httpCode = http.GET(); //Make the request
if (httpCode > 0) { //Check for the returning code
String payload = http.getString();
DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024);
deserializeJson(doc, payload);
JsonObject obj =<JsonObject>();
int userId = obj["userId"];
else {
Serial.println("Error on HTTP request Code:"+httpCode);
http.end(); //Free the resources
void SendPostRequest()
if ((WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)) { //Check the current connection status
http.begin(""); //Specify destination for HTTP request
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
DynamicJsonDocument doc(200);
doc["title"] = "title";
doc["body"] = "body";
doc["userId"] = "1";
String output;
serializeJsonPretty(doc, output);// You can also use serializeJson(doc, Serial);
int httpCode = http.POST(output); //Send the actual POST request
String response = http.getString(); //Get the response to the request
Serial.println(httpCode); //Print return code
Serial.println(response); //Print request answer
Serial.print("Error on sending POST: ");
Please Follow the instruction here
- All member of a team should read completly the lab instruction and participate in doing the lab.
- Create a hotspot from your mobile phone.
- Connect your ESP32 to the hotspot.
- Get free API key from: Open Weather Map
- Once the activation time ends, you can do a quick test to check if you can reach the API with your key. To do it, simply access the following URL on your browser, changing {yourAPIkey} by the key you have obtained:,fr&units=metric&APPID={yourAPIkey}
- there is some error in open weather map so you can their sample api,uk&appid=b6907d289e10d714a6e88b30761fae22
- Read Weather information from Arduino and print current tempereture in Serial
- Save your codes into
, Save a screenshot of your serial console intolab/4/report/1/screenshot.png
, Create a file which contains a short description, your code, and the image.
Do Part 4 from lab-three-2019