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Move LambdaLifting to separate file
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b-studios committed Nov 30, 2023
1 parent 0c1da99 commit e6ba9e5
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Showing 2 changed files with 237 additions and 229 deletions.
237 changes: 237 additions & 0 deletions effekt/shared/src/main/scala/effekt/core/LambdaLifting.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
package effekt
package core

import effekt.context.Context

import scala.collection.mutable
import effekt.core.Variables
import effekt.core.Variables.{ all, bound, free }

* Free variable computation that annotates Val and Def trees with the free variables of
* their continuation / body, respectively.
* Use like:
* val locals = new Locals(mod);
* ...
* locals(myValDef) // Variables(Set(), Set(f17))
* WARNING: the mapping is performed by object identity, so rewriting the tree looses the annotations.
* WARNING: since the local-context is lost, do NOT use it by querying on demand (e.g. `locals.query(myTree)`)

class Locals(mod: ModuleDecl)(using Context) extends core.Tree.Query[Variables, Variables] {

// DB
// --
import effekt.context.{Annotations, Annotation}

private val LocallyFree = Annotation[core.Tree, core.Variables](
"the free variables of the tree, only considering local and not toplevel definitions"

private val db = Annotations.empty

def apply(t: core.Val | core.Definition): core.Variables = db.apply(LocallyFree, t)

// Monoid
// ------
def empty = Variables.empty
def combine = _ ++ _

// Scoping
// -------
def freeBlock(id: Id)(using L: Variables): Variables = L.filter(v => == id)
def freeValue(id: Id)(using L: Variables): Variables = L.filter(v => == id)
def binding(bound: Variables)(prog: Variables ?=> Variables)(using L: Variables): Variables =
prog(using L ++ bound) -- bound

override def pure(using Variables) = {
case core.ValueVar(id, annotatedType) => freeValue(id)

override def block(using Variables) = {
case core.BlockVar(id, annotatedTpe, annotatedCapt) => freeBlock(id)
case core.BlockLit(tparams, cparams, vparams, bparams, body) =>
binding(all(vparams, bound) ++ all(bparams, bound)) { query(body) }

override def operation(using Variables) = {
case core.Operation(name, tparams, cparams, vparams, bparams, resume, body) =>
binding(all(vparams, bound) ++ all(bparams, bound) ++ all(resume, bound)) { query(body) }

override def defn(using Variables) = {
case d @ core.Definition.Def(id, block) =>
val freeInDefinition = binding(bound(d)) { query(block) }
// we annotate free variables for each definition (Def)
db.update(LocallyFree, d, freeInDefinition)

override def stmt(using Variables) = {
case Stmt.Scope(defs, body) =>
var stillFree = Variables.empty
var boundSoFar = Variables.empty
defs.foreach { d =>
boundSoFar = boundSoFar ++ bound(d)
stillFree = stillFree ++ binding(boundSoFar) { query(d) }
stillFree ++ binding(boundSoFar) { query(body) }

case d @ Stmt.Val(id, rhs, body) =>
query(rhs) ++ binding(Variables.value(id, rhs.tpe)) {
// we annotate the free variables of the continuation
val freeInBody = query(body)
db.update(LocallyFree, d, freeInBody)

case core.Alloc(id, init, region, body) =>
val bound = Variables.block(id, Type.TState(init.tpe), Set(region))
query(init) ++ freeBlock(region) ++ binding(bound) { query(body) }
case core.Var(id, init, capture, body) =>
val bound = Variables.block(id, Type.TState(init.tpe), Set(capture))
query(init) ++ binding(bound) { query(body) }
case core.Get(id, annotatedCapt, annotatedTpe) => freeBlock(id)
case core.Put(id, annotatedCapt, value) => freeBlock(id)

// Initialize
// ----------
mod.definitions.foreach(d => query(d)(using Variables.empty))

// maps block ids to their transitive closure
val transitiveClosure: mutable.Map[Id, Variables] = mutable.Map.empty

// compute transitive closure
val freeVariablesOfDefs = db.annotationsAt(LocallyFree).collect {
case (Annotations.Key(core.Definition.Def(id, b: core.BlockLit)), vars) => id -> vars

// saturate free variables transitively
def resolveFreeVariables(vars: Variables): Variables =
vars.flatMap {
case x: Variable.Value => Set(x)
case f: Variable.Block => resolve(

def resolve(id: Id): Option[Variables] =
transitiveClosure.get(id) match {
case Some(value) => Some(value)
case None =>
freeVariablesOfDefs.get(id).map { before =>
transitiveClosure.update(id, Variables.empty)
val result = resolveFreeVariables(before)
transitiveClosure.update(id, result)

freeVariablesOfDefs.keySet.foreach { resolve }


class LambdaLifting(m: core.ModuleDecl)(using Context) extends core.Tree.Rewrite {

val locals = Locals(m)

* fixes the order of free variables, can vary from compilation to compilation
case class Info(values: List[Variable.Value], blocks: List[Variable.Block]) {
def valueParams: List[core.ValueParam] = { case Variable.Value(id, tpe) => core.ValueParam(id, tpe) }
def blockParams: List[core.BlockParam] = { case Variable.Block(id, tpe, capt) => core.BlockParam(id, tpe, capt) }
def captureParams: List[core.Capture] = {
case Variable.Block(id, tpe, cs) if cs.size == 1 => cs.head
case Variable.Block(id, tpe, cs) => Context.panic(s"Since we only close over block parameters, the capture set should be a single variable (but got ${cs})")

def valueArgs = { case Variable.Value(id, tpe) => core.ValueVar(id, tpe) }
def blockArgs = { case Variable.Block(id, tpe, capt) => core.BlockVar(id, tpe, capt) }
def captureArgs = { case Variable.Block(id, tpe, cs) => cs }
val infos: Map[Id, Info] = {
case (id, vars) => (id, Info(
vars.toList.collect { case x: Variable.Value => x },
vars.toList.collect { case f: Variable.Block => f }
val lifted: mutable.ListBuffer[core.Definition] = mutable.ListBuffer.empty

// only needs adaptation if it is a closure
def needsCallsiteAdaptation(id: Id) = infos.get(id) match {
case Some(vars) => vars != Variables.empty
case None => false

// we adapt the type of the reference since now it closes over less variables but receives more as arguments
// e.g. (Int) => Unit at {io, f} ===> (Int, f: Exc) => Unit at {io}
def adaptReference(b: BlockVar): BlockVar = b match
case b if !needsCallsiteAdaptation( => b
case BlockVar(id, BlockType.Function(tps, cps, vps, bps, ret), annotatedCapt) =>
val info = infos(id)
val additionalValues = { x => x.tpe }
val (additionalCaptures, additionalBlocks, removedCaptures) = {
case Variable.Block(id, tpe, capt) => (id, tpe, capt)
val newType = BlockType.Function(tps, cps ++ additionalCaptures, vps ++ additionalValues, bps ++ additionalBlocks, ret)
// TODO what if the block parameters have been renamed somewhere---subtracting from capture won't help then.
val newCapture = annotatedCapt -- removedCaptures.flatten
BlockVar(id, newType, newCapture)
case other => Context.panic("Cannot lambda lift non-functions.")

override def stmt = {
case core.Scope(defs, body) =>
core.Scope(defs.flatMap {
// we lift named local definitions to the toplevel
case Definition.Def(id, BlockLit(tparams, cparams, vparams, bparams, body)) =>

// Here we add cparams for the closed over bparams
cparams ++ infos(id).captureParams,
vparams ++ infos(id).valueParams,
bparams ++ infos(id).blockParams,
case other => List(rewrite(other))
}, rewrite(body))

case core.App(b: BlockVar, targs, vargs, bargs) if needsCallsiteAdaptation( =>
core.App(adaptReference(b), targs, ++ infos(, ++ infos(

override def block = {
// Here we now need to eta expand
// e.g. f : (Int) => Unit @ {io,exc} ===> { (n) => f(n, exc) }
// the type of f after transformation is `(Int, Exc) => Unit @ {io}`
case f @ core.BlockVar(id, core.BlockType.Function(tps, cps, vps, bps, res), capt) if needsCallsiteAdaptation(id) =>
val vparams: List[core.ValueParam] = vps map { tpe => core.ValueParam(Id("x"), tpe) }
val bparams: List[core.BlockParam] = (cps zip bps) map { case (capt, tpe) => core.BlockParam(Id("f"), tpe, Set(capt)) }

val targs = tps map { tpe => core.ValueType.Var(tpe) }
val vargs = { p => core.ValueVar(, p.tpe) } ++ infos(id).valueArgs
val bargs = (bparams zip cps).map { case (p, c) => core.BlockVar(, p.tpe, Set(c)) } ++ infos(id).blockArgs
core.BlockLit(tps, cps, vparams, bparams, core.App(adaptReference(f), targs, vargs, bargs))

override def expr = {
case core.DirectApp(b: BlockVar, targs, vargs, bargs) if needsCallsiteAdaptation( =>
core.DirectApp(b, targs, ++ infos(, ++ infos(
case core.PureApp(b: BlockVar, targs, vargs) if needsCallsiteAdaptation( =>
core.PureApp(b, targs, ++ infos(
object LambdaLifting {
def lift(m: core.ModuleDecl)(using Context): core.ModuleDecl =
val lifting = LambdaLifting(m)
val transformed = lifting.rewrite(m)
transformed.copy(definitions = transformed.definitions ++ lifting.lifted)

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