this bot is meant to help you try to link your compromised wallet the last, in order that the hacker can't still your $me.
how to install it:
first of all, make sure you have npm and node installed localy
- create a folder
- copy paste package.json and index.js
- in the command line run "npm install"
- copy paste in index.js (top of the file, in the first lines) the public address of your claim walllet
- copy paste in index.js (just below claim wallet) the private keys of your compromised wallets, just replace the "private key 1", etc. Leave only your private keys, remove my examples.
how to use it
in commande line go to your folder, and then type: "node index.js", you should see line printing every second for the ME call, and result appearing a short while after
if you are not a dev, reach out to me ( on twitter, i can run it for you, but i will need your private keys.
and please, like and rt my tweet in order to make as many people as possible aware of this