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we don't talk about remie 🌸

we don't talk about remie is a conversation between two friends that haven't seen eachother for two years. join remie and nico as they discover what has changed, in a cards-against-humanity meets interactive novel game.

choose your words carefully, since they can have unexpected side effects. your can only play each card once, so it may be wise to reserve them for later! watch as the mood of the encounter shifts with every action you take.

content warnings: in some of the conversations there are depictions of transphobia, missgender and deadnaming, always as a result of the player's actions. there is also a non explicit mention of suicidal thoughts. please take care when playing and while we tried to cover this topics the best we could, it is completely ok if you need to stop at any point.

made with love by your fellow enbies, josekoalas and miguel lópez golán.

submission for the bevy jam #3 🕹️

this is our first game using bevy and rust, and we had such a blast working with them. having gone from unity to godot to writing an engine from scratch, bevy is everything i wish i made. we will definitely be using it to make more games!

play now at:

source code at:

using 💖

license 📝

this project is dual licensed under either MIT ( or Apache 2.0 ( in short, play whatever you want with it! though because of the jam deadline the code is a bit of a spaguetti ahaha.