Volto add-on that enhance Version Overview information in Control Panel:
- Frontend Version
- When it was updated and from which version
- Link to Frontend changelog
- Volto version and the list of all installed Volto add-ons
- Backend Version
- When it was updated and from which version
- Link to Backend changelog
- List of all Python eggs installed on Backend
This addon requires a server-side package to be installed.
You can control the information displayed in Volto Control Panel via the following environment variables:
- Default:https://github.com/eea
- Used to compose the links to CHANGELOGRAZZLE_CHANGELOG_SUFFIX
- Default:releases
- Used to compose the links to CHANGELOGRAZZLE_FRONTEND_VERSION
- Default:<packageJson.version>
- Frontend versionRAZZLE_FRONTEND_NAME
- Default:<packageJson.name>
- Used to compose the links to CHANGELOGRAZZLE_BACKEND_VERSION
- Default:''
- Backend versionRAZZLE_BACKEND_NAME
- Default:plone-backend
- Used to compose the backend link to CHANGELOG
git clone https://github.com/eea/volto-controlpanel.git
cd volto-controlpanel
make start
Go to http://localhost:3000
Make sure you have a Plone backend up-and-running at http://localhost:8080/Plone
docker compose up backend
Start Volto frontend
If you already have a volto project, just update
:"addons": [ "@eeacms/volto-controlpanel" ], "dependencies": { "@eeacms/volto-controlpanel": "*" }
If not, create one:
npm install -g yo @plone/generator-volto yo @plone/volto my-volto-project --canary --addon @eeacms/volto-controlpanel cd my-volto-project
Install new add-ons and restart Volto:
yarn yarn start
Go to http://localhost:3000
Happy editing!
The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.md for details.
European Environment Agency (EU) Funding