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edwinofsakh edited this page Aug 16, 2015 · 16 revisions

EBSDAM requires a patched MTEX version 3.3.2. The patch is attached!

If you have a previous version, unistall it first!

Installation procedure
Uninstalation procedure
Reinstallation procedure
Manual setup of working directories

Installation procedure:

  1. Run Matlab with administrator rights.
  2. Install MTEX 3.3.2 and patch it.
  3. Rename or remove 'startup.m' script in MTEX root folder.
  4. Extract EBSDAM to folder and change Matlab current folder on this folder.
  5. Run 'startup_ebsdam.m' script.
  6. Setup working directories. Run 'ui\setupWorkDirs.m'.
  7. Run 'check_ebsdam.m' to check settings
  8. Write loaders for your data and start to work.

Uninstalation procedure:

  1. Run Matlab with administrator rights.
  2. Run startup_ebsdam('uninstall') at ebsdam root folder

Reinstallation procedure:

  1. Run Matlab with administrator rights.
  2. Uninstall previous version at first.
  3. Install new version.

Manual setup of working directories:

You can setup working directories manual (instead of run 'ui\setupWorkDirs.m'). You must file 'EBSDAM_settings.m' in EBSDAM root directory and set some preferences. After run create_test_sample.

Example of 'EBSDAM_settings.m':


setpref('ebsdam','caching', 1);
setpref('ebsdam','saveResult', 1);
setpref('ebsdam','maxProbParents', 2000);

'data_dir' - directory with EBSD data file for samples (see 'Load data' page)
'output_dir' - directory for output information: reports, figures
'cache_dir' - directory for cache file of EBSD data (see 'Caching' page)
'doc_dir' - directory for documents (not used now)

'caching' - turn on/off caching (see 'Caching' page)
'saveResult' - save results (outputs) to disk (see 'Save result' page)
'maxProbParents' - limit the number of probable parents in findParent (depend on system memory)