Chirper is a Twitter feed application built with React for Udacity's React Nanodegree Program - React & Redux.
Checkout this live demo of the Chirper app. Once the simulator has launched, follow these instructions:
- Select any Tweet to see the thread or reply.
- Use the Reply button to reply to any Tweet.
- Use the Like button to like any Tweet.
- Or...use the navigation to create your own Tweet.
These instructions will get you a copy of the Chirper application up and running on your local environment for development and testing purposes.
You will need Node.js and npm on your local environment to download and run this application. Visit to learn the specifics on downloading, installing and running Node.js. npm is packaged with Node.js.
You will need ReactJS on your local environment to download and run this application. Visit to learn the specifics on downloading, intalling and running ReactJS.
It is recommended to use Yarn as the package manager for this project. Visit to learn the specifics on downloading, intalling and running Yarn.
Clone the project to your local environment
git clone
Change to the directory where the project is living on your local environment
cd udacity-chirper
Install dependencies with the package manager:
npm install
Start the application with the package manager:
npm start or yarn start
The Chirper application should now be open and running on the default browser.
- ReactJS - A JavaScript Framework
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Edward Pritchard - Design / Development
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.