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demo apps workflow 7 #7

demo apps workflow 7

demo apps workflow 7 #7

name: Build and test the demo apps
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
- cron: '0 0 * * 0' # Once a week: "At 00:00 on Sunday."
shell: pwsh
name: Build and test the demo apps
contents: read
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Dump github context for debug purposes
GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJSON(github) }}
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: accessibility-axe demo
run: |
cd "${{ github.workspace }}/demos/accessibility-axe"
npm ci
npx playwright install --with-deps
npm test | Tee-Object -Variable testOutput
# Check that all is as expected. Should have 3 and only 3 failed tests.
$expectedFailures = $false
foreach($outputLine in $testOutput)
if($outputLine.Contains("3 failed"))
$expectedFailures = $true
Write-Output "::error::Failed running the accessibility-axe demo tests. Expected exactly 3 failed tests. See the accessibility-axe demo step for more details."
Exit 1
Exit 0
- name: accessibility-lighthouse demo
run: |
cd "${{ github.workspace }}/demos/accessibility-lighthouse"
npm ci
npx playwright install --with-deps
npm test
# Check that the lighthouse audit worked as expected.
# The check is done by verifying that the audit-report.json produced by lighthouse
# contains the expected score results. If this file doesn't exist or doesn't have
# the expected scores then it should be an indication that something is wrong.
$auditReport = Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter audit-report.json -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
$auditReportJson = Get-Content -Raw $auditReport | ConvertFrom-Json
$performanceCategory = $auditReportJson.categories | where { $ -eq "Performance" }
$accessibilityCategory = $auditReportJson.categories | where { $ -eq "Accessibility" }
$bestPracticesCategory = $auditReportJson.categories | where { $ -eq "Best Practices" }
$seoCategory = $auditReportJson.categories | where { $ -eq "SEO" }
if($performanceCategory.score -ne 1 -OR $accessibilityCategory.score -ne 0.93 -OR $bestPracticesCategory.score -ne 1 -OR $seoCategory.score -ne 0.89)
Write-Output "::error::Failed running the accessibility-lighthouse demo tests. Audit report didn't produce expected scores."
Exit 1
Exit 0
- name: code-coverage-with-istanbul-via-webpack-babel-plugin demo
run: |
cd "${{ github.workspace }}/demos/code-coverage-with-istanbul-via-webpack-babel-plugin"
npm ci
npx playwright install --with-deps
npm test
# Check that the code coverage worked as expected.
# The check is done by running the command to generate the code coverage
# and asserting on the values of the summary report.
npm run coverage:report | Tee-Object -Variable coverageSummary
$expectedStatements = $false
$expectedBranches = $false
$expectedFunctions = $false
$expectedLines = $false
foreach($coverageLine in $coverageSummary)
if($coverageLine.Contains("Statements : 88.88% ( 8/9 )"))
$expectedStatements = $true
elseif($coverageLine.Contains("Branches : 100% ( 2/2 )"))
$expectedBranches = $true
elseif($coverageLine.Contains("Functions : 50% ( 1/2 )"))
$expectedFunctions = $true
elseif($coverageLine.Contains("Lines : 100% ( 8/8 )"))
$expectedLines = $true
if(!$expectedStatements -OR !$expectedBranches -OR !$expectedFunctions -OR !$expectedLines)
Write-Output "::error::Failed running the code-coverage-with-istanbul-via-webpack-babel-plugin. Code coverage summary is different from what is expected."
Exit 1
Exit 0
- name: code-coverage-with-monocart-reporter demo
run: |
cd "${{ github.workspace }}/demos/code-coverage-with-monocart-reporter"
npm ci
npx playwright install --with-deps
npm test