Simple Docker pipeline to test your python code.
In this repo i've add a very basic python project with only four elements: a requirements file, a Dockerfile, a pytest.ini file and a simple python test that always pass.
You can put several stages to your pipeline, but the most common stages are: Build, Test, Lint, Report, Tag.
- Build: Downloads and build dependencies.
- Test: Executes all tests found.
- Lint: Checks code style and bad code practicies.
- Report: Formats and exports the results to archiving.
- Tag: Adds a unique identifier to the version making it ready to release.
Clone or download this repository.
Move your code to this new structure or vice versa.
Make sure the
is on project root folder. -
Update the requiments with your dependencies or create your list of requirements. See the dependencies tutorial to more details.
Make sure the name patterns on
Make sure you have at least one passing test (there's one in
rename thesrc
folder following your project organizaziton.
Execute the docker build command
docker build -t your-docker-user/projetc-name:tag .
If every step works correctly the command docker images
is going to list your newly created image.
If something goes wrong youll be promptly warned.