[6.9.0] - 2023-10-23
Added micro-credentials count query.
Code warning resolved.
Updated mail template requested edubadge.
Clear cache after resending direct awards.
Formatted code.
Badgeoverview query.
Bugfix for awarding denied enrollments.
Added institution admins query.
Do not select direct_awards that are revoked or deleted.
Return assertions in the direct_award_bundle endpoint.
Customized documentation Swagger.
Ensure the direct_award_bundle can only be retrieved with the correct permission.
Endpoint for SIS API to retrieve DA bundle info.
Include delete unclaimed DA's in external API.
Differentiate between unclaimed and deleted diract awards.
Delete at DA.
Clear cache after deletion of DA.
Send mail after direct award deleted.
Added manage command to delete direct_awards with status 'Delete' and 'Delete_at'.
Align insight numbers and login numbers.
Differtiate between direct_awarded and self_request assertions.
Added authentication logging.
Exclude create Direct Award from CSRF filter.
Changed the mail messages for awarded badges.
Fix datetime warnings in scheduling direct awards.
Do not display sis integration for new institutions.
Bugfix for new institution.
Bump urllib3 from 1.26.17 to 1.26.18.
Bump pillow from 9.3.0 to 10.0.1.
Bump urllib3 from 1.26.15 to 1.26.17.
Bump cryptography from 41.0.3 to 41.0.4.
Bump cryptography from 41.0.0 to 41.0.3.
After python 3.9.16 update: urllib3==1.26.15
Bump cryptography from 39.0.1 to 41.0.0.
Bump django from 3.2.19 to 3.2.20.
You can’t perform that action at this time.