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Celery plugin for Tutor

A tutor plugin to extend the default LMS and CMS celery workers included in Tutor. It adds and configures extra deployments running LMS and CMS celery workers where every deployment will process async tasks routed to a specific queue. Having this workers separation per queue can help to define the scaling requirements for the Celery deployments, since having a single queue (the default one) with a single deployment can lead to unexpected behaviors when running large-scale sites.


pip install git+


tutor plugins enable celery


Celery queues

By default, in a standard OpenedX installation with Tutor in Kubernetes, all the LMS/CMS async tasks are executed by a single celery deployment. This plugin allows to distribute async workload by configuring additional deployments to execute celery tasks sent to a specific queues. This can help to:

  • Achieve a better performance when having high volume of async tasks to process
  • Configure different scaling parameters according to the nature of the tasks processed by a queue (I/O bound tasks, CPU tasks, etc.)

To achieve this, the CELERY_WORKERS_CONFIG filter is implemented to add extra queues whose tasks require to be processed by a separated deployment.

Recommended multiqueue configuration

From checking the LMS and CMS codebase, the queues for every service are described below:

  • CMS: default, high, low (taken from CMS settings here)
  • LMS: default, high, high_mem (taken from LMS settings here)

By default Tutor implements a single deployment to process tasks on all queues in LMS/CMS. The CELERY_WORKERS_CONFIG filter can be used to add the extra queues from LMS/CMS configuration.

from tutorcelery.hooks import CELERY_WORKERS_CONFIG

def _add_celery_workers_config(workers_config):
    # Adding LMS extra queues
    workers_config["lms"]["high"] = {}  # Make sure to match the key with the queue name: edx.lms.core.high
    workers_config["lms"]["high_mem"] = {}

    # Adding CMS extra queues
    workers_config["cms"]["high"] = {}
    workers_config["cms"]["low"] = {}
    return workers_config

With this configuration, 4 new deployments will be created (one for every new queue) to process the tasks separately according to the queue they are sent to. Additionally, the default Tutor LMS/CMS celery deployments are patched to ONLY process the tasks sent to the "default" queue.

This is the recommended configuration for a multiqueue approach with LMS and CMS given the queues every service proposes in its settings files by default. However, the usage of the CELERY_WORKERS_CONFIG filter can be adapted for different configuration scenarios.

This plugin also provides a setting to directly route LMS/CMS tasks to an specific queue. It can extends/overrides the default EXPLICIT_QUEUES setting:

    queue: edx.lms.core.high_mem
    queue: edx.cms.core.high


As an alternative to the CPU/memory based autoscaling offered by the plugin tutor-contrib-pod-autoscaling, this plugins supports Celery workers autoscaling based on the size of the celery queue of a given worker. We are using Keda autoscaling for this purposes, check the Keda documentation to find out more.

To enable autoscaling you need to enable the enable_keda key for every queue variant. The defaults parameters are the following:

  "min_replicas": 0,
  "max_replicas": 30,
  "list_length": 40,
  "enable_keda": False,


You can use the filter CELERY_WORKERS_CONFIG as shown above to modify the scaling parameters for every queue. This has been test against Keda v2.15.0 and above.

If you are using tutor-contrib-pod-autoscaling and want to setup Keda autoscaling, make sure to disable HPA for the lms-worker and the cms-worker as using both autoscalers at the same time is not recommended.

from tutorpod_autoscaling.hooks import AUTOSCALING_CONFIG

def _add_my_autoscaling(autoscaling_config):
      "enable_hpa": False,
      "enable_hpa": False,
    return autoscaling_config

Enable flower

For troubleshooting purposes, you can enable a flower deployment to monitor in realtime the Celery queues times and performance:


Enable Flower Prometheus Integration

If you are running grafana you can use the attached config map to import a custom Grafana dashboard to monitor celery metrics such as:

  • Total Queue Length
  • Queue Length by task name
  • Celery Worker Status
  • Number of Tasks Currently Executing at Worker
  • Average Task Runtime at Worker
  • Task Prefetch Time at Worker
  • Number of Tasks Prefetched at Worker
  • Tasks Success Ratio
  • Tasks Failure Ratio

If you are using the Prometheus Operator you can enable a ServiceMonitor resource to automatically configure a scrape target for the flower service.



This software is licensed under the terms of the AGPLv3.