#Meteor Rock-Paper-Scissors application - JSconfCO Workshop
This is a simple application allowing multiple users to play and watch rock, paper, scissors games, it allows users to create accounts or login using GitHub.
I did this application for my workshop in JSconf Colombia, is well commented and simple enough to help begginers with Meteor.
There are many tweaks that can be done for this app, but this is just for helping people start with the framework, you can take a look at the app running here: http://jsconfco.meteor.com
This is the list of packages used for this one:
- less
- bootstrap
- accounts-base
- accounts-ui
- accounts-password
- accounts-github
- iron-router (installed using Meteorite from Atmosphere)
- gravatar (installed using Meteorite from Atmosphere)
If you need any help or you have any comment you can get in touch using my twitter @zenedsadr