Docker recipe to build CFDEM into a docker container. Works with Apptainer/Singularity too. Add a GitHub issue if you have issues or want to suggest some improvements.
docker pull edoyango/cfdem:3.8.1
NOTE: The conversion from docker to apptainer/singularity only works for newer versions of apptainer/singularity. This is due to issues where the container is pulled without its environment.
apptainer pull edoyango/cfdem:3.8.1
Currently, mpiexec
commands should be initiated from inside the container. For Apptainer, mpiexec
outside the container (e.g., for multi-node runs) should be possible (see apptainer docs), but hasn't been tested. It may require a rebuild of the container so that the MPI version used on the system matches the MPI version used inside the container.
Get the CFDEM tutorials and go to a case directory
git clone
cd CFDEMcoupling-PUBLIC/tutorials/cfdemSolverIB/twoSpheresGlowinskiMPI
docker run \
-v $(pwd):/work \ # mounts the current working directory as /work in the container
-v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd \
-u `id -u`:`id -g` \ # run container as you
edoyango/cfdem:3.8.1 \ # the container
bash /work/ # the run command. This should execute the entire example pipeline.
apptainer run \
-B $(pwd):/work \ # mounts the current working ddirectory as /work in the container
docker://edoyango/cfdem:3.8.1 \ # the container
bash /work/ # the run command. This should execute the entire example pipeline
The instructions that the container was originally built with is from here:
These instructions are quite basic and seem to be written to optimise for convenience. These instructions were deviated from so as to reduce the container size and include only necessary files.
This was required so that executing the container with Apptainer can work across nodes. the APT packages do not allow for this.
VTK has a lot of functionality that isn't used by LIGGGHTS. the APT VTK packages and their dependencies add about 500MB to the Docker image size. Installing VTK from source (using the LIGGGHTS makefile) only installs the necessary features, which adds about 50MB only to the container (approx. 10x smaller than the APT packages).
Source code and object files aren't necessary to run CFDEM and its subprograms. These are ommitted from the final image by using staged builds of the Docker image. Only executables, shared libraries, and necessary etc files are kept.
, evince
, and octave
APT packages are all needed to visualise the tutorials' results. These packages are ommitted from the container to reduce size.
Paraview isn't included either.