Kialo is a great platform. Unfortunately, it's really not so easy to analyze its data, since the only file that can be downloaded (scraping is not permitted) is in .txt format.
This python script takes two arguments: path/to/input.txt path/to/output.json
and uses regular expressions to analyze the input Kialo's discussion data, storing different components in a json file, which has the following keys:
- "Tree": current comment's tree indicator, in the form of [n1].[n2]...[nr] where n is an integer, and r is the level subdivision of such tree.
- "Level": is the current comment's level, where 1 is the first sub-level, generally one "Pro" and one "Con" comment.
- "Stance": indicates if the comment is Pro or Con.
- "ToneInput": is the text content of the comment. The name is already set if the json is then used for IBM's Tone Analyzer
Upon execution, the program will ask whether the user wants to use IBM's Tone Analyzer after extracting Kialo's data from the provided .txt file.
The required data in order to use IBM's services are:
- The API key or User/Pass combination.
- The URL where the IBM's server is located (and which has been selected during the resource creation process, in the personal IBM page).