This project provides the RESTful API to serve web clients with OpenID authentication.
Resources supported are:
- Provision of soil data from BGS sources
- Acceptance of user-specific soil data
- User account creation and maintenance
- Input of sensor data as JSON from client applications
This project uses the Dropwizard Java web application development framework. This is a very lightweight and highly scalable approach that facilitates Agile development practices.
All builds are done with Maven and the endpoints serve JSON.
- The root directory of the project as checked out through git
All commands will work on *nix without modification, use \ instead of / for Windows.
From the console you can do the following
cd <project root>
mvn clean install
java -jar target/growers-nation-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar server gn.yml
Follow the usual MongoDB installation instructions, such as
$ brew update
$ brew install mongo
Start MongoDB as a background process with
$ mongod &
Then create the following collections through the Mongo CLI
$ mongo
> use gn
> db.createCollection("soil-data");
> exit
If you are behind a firewall you will need to set the proxy. This is configured in the YAML file.
The ASCII art for the startup banner was created using the online tool available at Webestools with a font of Tiza