This facade wraps the brightcove smart player api with an easy to use interface.
npm install edenspiekermann-bright --save
The source files are built by webpack to the UMD format. This means you can require dist/bright.js
via webpack, browserify or require.js. Although it’s not recommended you can also include dist/bright.min.js
in your html. This creates a global variable called Bright
Common.js (webpack, browserify…)
var Bright = require('bright'); // installed via npm
var Bright = require('./path_to/bright.js'); // use the one in the dist folder
var player = Bright(options);
require(['Bright'], function(Bright) {
var player = Bright(options);
Global Variable
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="bright.min.js"></script>
<script src="your_scripts.js">
// main.js
var player = Bright(options);
Note: //
has to be loaded before bright.js
. Use your favorite script loader or simply add a script
tag before your main js file.
Example HTML:
<div id="player"></div>
The brightcove player will be appended as a child to this element.
var player = Bright({
element: domElement, // [required] parent dom element of the video player
video: videoId, // [required] reference id ('ref:XXXXX') or video id (number)
player: playerKey // [required] playerKey of the brightcove player
// append other brightcove options here (optional)
player.on('end', function(player) {
Possible options for brightcove can be found at this page from the official documentation.
Currently supported events:
- load
- play
- pause
- end
These event methods are copied from maxhoffmann/emitter:
- on(event, fn)
- once(event, fn)
- off(event, fn)
Video and player id for testing are taken from brightcove’s example page. You may have to update them if they change.
- Clone the repository
npm install
npm start
to watch for file changes insrc/bright.js
- make changes
npm test
starts a local server & opens your default browser withhttp://localhost:8000/tests
npm run build
if all tests pass- push to
, merge intomaster
MIT 2020 Edenspiekermann