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Security: edarruiz/ofxsdk

Security Policy

If a security vulnerability is found, we undertake to make the necessary corrections and apply them as quickly as possible in the available versions.

Supported Versions

All versions available on releases of OFX SDK support security policy.

If any version or release for any reason does not support security policy any longer, the version numbers, releases and reasons will be listed below.

Reporting a Vulnerability

Security issues should be reported privately to the project owner by sending a private message via LinkedIn

You should receive a response within 24 hours. If for some reason you do not, please follow up via email to ensure we received your original message.

Please include as much of the information listed below as you can to help us better understand and resolve the issue:

  • The type of issue (e.g., buffer overflow, SQL injection, or cross-site scripting)
  • Full paths of source file(s) related to the manifestation of the issue
  • The location of the affected source code (tag/branch/commit or direct URL)
  • Any special configuration required to reproduce the issue
  • Step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue
  • Proof-of-concept or exploit code (if possible)
  • Impact of the issue, including how an attacker might exploit the issue

This information will help us triage your report more quickly.

Bugs and other Issues not related to security vulnerabilities should be reported via Bug Report in OFX SDK Issues page.

Please do not open issues for anything you think might have a security implication.

There aren’t any published security advisories