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tjkessler committed Jun 5, 2019
1 parent 4b9b254 commit dae5cab
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Showing 8 changed files with 226 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions alvadescpy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from alvadescpy.wrapper import alvadesc
from alvadescpy.functions import smiles_to_descriptors
from alvadescpy.wrapper import ALVADESC_PATH
__version__ = '0.1.0'
Binary file added alvadescpy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-35.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added alvadescpy/__pycache__/functions.cpython-35.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added alvadescpy/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-35.pyc
Binary file not shown.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions alvadescpy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# alvadescpy/
# v.0.1.0
# Developed in 2019 by Travis Kessler <>
# contains functions for common alvaDesc tasks

# stdlib. imports
from typing import TypeVar

# alvadescpy imports
from alvadescpy import alvadesc

# custom argument and return variables
_DESC = TypeVar('_DESC', str, list)
_RET_VAL = TypeVar('_RET_VAL', dict, list)

def smiles_to_descriptors(smiles: str, descriptors: _DESC='ALL',
labels: bool=True) -> _RET_VAL:
''' smiles_to_descriptors: returns molecular descriptors for a given
molecule (represented by its SMILES string)
smiles (str): SMILES string for a given molecule
descriptors (str, list): `ALL` for all descriptors, or list containing
individual descriptors (str's)
labels (bool): if `True`, labels are included in return value (dict);
if `False`, no labels are included in return value (list)
list, dict: returns a list of descriptor values if `labels` is False,
else a dict

return alvadesc(ismiles=smiles, descriptors=descriptors, labels=labels)[0]
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions alvadescpy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# alvadescpy/
# v.0.1.0
# Developed in 2019 by Travis Kessler <>
# contains `alvadesc` function, a wrapper for alvaDesc software

# stdlib. imports
from subprocess import check_output, PIPE, Popen
from csv import writer, QUOTE_ALL
from typing import TypeVar

# path to alvaDesc command line interface executable
ALVADESC_PATH = 'C:\\Program Files\\Alvascience\\alvaDesc\\alvaDescCLI.exe'

# custom argument variable (either str or list)
_DESC = TypeVar('_DESC', str, list)

def _sub_call(command: str) -> list:
''' _sub_call: calls alvaDesc via subprocess.Popen
command (str): command to execute
list: list of lists, where each sublist is a molecule's descriptors

p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
except FileNotFoundError as exception:
raise FileNotFoundError('{}\n alvaDescCLI.exe not found at {}'.format(
exception, ALVADESC_PATH
except Exception as exception:
raise Exception('{}'.format(exception))
out = p.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8').split('\r\n')[:-1]
for idx, o in enumerate(out):
out[idx] = o.split('\t')
return out

def alvadesc(script: str=None, ismiles: str=None, input_file: str=None,
inputtype: str=None, descriptors: _DESC=None, labels: bool=False,
ecfp: bool=False, pfp: bool=False, fpsize: int=1024, fpmin: int=0,
fpmax: int=2, count: bool=True, bits: int=2, fpoptions: str=None,
maccsfp: bool=False, output: str=None, threads: int=None) -> list:
''' alvadesc: calls alvaDesc's command line interface; supports all arguments
script (str): path to script file containing all available options; if
supplied, nothing else should be supplied
ismiles (str): use a single SMILES string as input
input_file (str): uses a set of molecules in this file as inputs
inputtype (str): if `input_file` is supplied, this is mandatory (e.g.
descriptors (str, list): `ALL` for all descriptors, or a list for
specific descriptors
labels (bool): if `True`, adds descriptor and molecule labels
ecfp (bool): if `True`, calculates extended connectivity fingerprint
pfp (bool): if `True`, calculates path fingerprint
fpsize (int): size of hashed fingerprint (default 1024)
fpmin (int): minimum fragment length for hashed fingerprint (default 0)
fpmax (int): maximum fragments for hashed fingerprint (default 2)
count (bool): if `True`, counts fragments for hashed fingerprint
(default True)
bits (int): bits per pattern for hashed fingerprint (default 2)
fpoptions (str): atom types for hashed fingerprint (default Atom type,
Aromaticity, Charge, Connectivity (total), Bond order)
maccsfp (bool): if `True`, calculates MACCS116 fingerprint
output (str): if not `None`, saves descriptors to this file
threads (int): number of threads used in the calculation (default:
equal to the maximum number of CPUs)
list: if `labels` is True, returns a list of dicts, where each dict
corresponds to a single molecule; if `labels` is False, returns a
list of lists, where each sublist contains a molecule's descriptor
values; if any fingerprint is calculated, no labels are included -
returns a list of lists

if script is not None:
_ = _sub_call('{} --script={}'.format(ALVADESC_PATH, script))

if ismiles is not None and input_file is not None:
raise ValueError('`ismiles` and `input_file` cannot both be supplied')

if input_file is not None and inputtype is None:
raise ValueError('Must supply `inputtype` if supplying `input_file`')

command = '{}'.format(ALVADESC_PATH)

if ismiles is not None:
command += ' --iSMILES={}'.format(ismiles)

if input_file is not None:
command += ' --input={} --inputtype={}'.format(input_file, inputtype)

if output is not None:
command += ' --output={}'.format(output)

if threads is not None:
command += ' --threads={}'.format(threads)

if ecfp is True or pfp is True or maccsfp is True:

if sum([ecfp, pfp, maccsfp]) > 1:
raise ValueError('Only one type of fingerprint can be calculated')

if ecfp is True:
command += ' --ecfp'

if pfp is True:
command += ' --pfp'

if maccsfp is True:
command += ' --maccsfp'

command += ' --size={}'.format(fpsize)
command += ' --min={}'.format(fpmin)
command += ' --max={}'.format(fpmax)
command += ' --bits={}'.format(bits)
if count is not True:
command += ' --count=FALSE'
if fpoptions is not None:
command += ' --fpoptions={}'.format(fpoptions)
return _sub_call(command)

if labels is True:
command += ' --labels'

if descriptors is not None:
if descriptors == 'ALL':
command += ' --descriptors=ALL'
elif type(descriptors) is list:
command += ' --descriptors=\"'
for idx, desc in enumerate(descriptors):
command += '{}'.format(desc)
if idx != len(descriptors) - 1:
command += ','
command += '\"'
raise ValueError('Unknown `descriptors` argument: {}'.format(

descriptors_raw = _sub_call(command)
calculated_descriptors = []
if labels is True:
molecule = {}
for mol in descriptors_raw[1:]:
for idx, label in enumerate(descriptors_raw[0]):
molecule[label] = mol[idx]
calculated_descriptors = [mol for mol in descriptors_raw]
return calculated_descriptors
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
from setuptools import setup, find_packages

description='Python wrapper for alvaDesc software',
author='Travis Kessler',
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
from alvadescpy import smiles_to_descriptors

if __name__ == '__main__':

print(smiles_to_descriptors('CCC', descriptors=['MW', 'AMW'], labels=True))

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