The mission of the company is to process information in ways that facilitate understanding of the economic situation|at different granularity levels.
The sources of data include official statistics agencies|and so-called alternative data sources|where we collect direct observations of the market and generate aggregate statistics.
Econdb Ltd. is a limited company registered in United Kingdom|with company number 10759232.
This Python module provides a wrapper around the API of
pip install prognosis
Some examples are given below|to see more check examples
from prognosis import Country
germany = Country('DE')
### National Accounts
nac = germany.national_accounts()
### Consumer and producer prices
prices = germany.prices()
### Government accounts
gov = germany.government_accounts()
from prognosis import Country
germany = Country('DE')
Country | Code |
Albania | 'AL' |
Algeria | 'DZ' |
Angola | 'AO' |
Argentina | 'AR' |
Australia | 'AU' |
Austria | 'AT' |
Azerbaijan | 'AZ' |
Bangladesh | 'BD' |
Belarus | 'BY' |
Belgium | 'BE' |
Bolivia | 'BO' |
Bosnia And Herzegovina | 'BA' |
Brazil | 'BR' |
Bulgaria | 'BG' |
Cambodia | 'KH' |
Canada | 'CA' |
Chile | 'CL' |
China | 'CN' |
Colombia | 'CO' |
Costa Rica | 'CR' |
Croatia | 'HR' |
Cyprus | 'CY' |
Czechia | 'CZ' |
Democratic Republic Of Congo | 'CD' |
Denmark | 'DK' |
Dominican Republic | 'DO' |
Ecuador | 'EC' |
Egypt | 'EG' |
El Salvador | 'SV' |
Estonia | 'EE' |
Ethiopia | 'ET' |
European Union | 'EU' |
Finland | 'FI' |
France | 'FR' |
Germany | 'DE' |
Ghana | 'GH' |
Greece | 'GR' |
Guatemala | 'GT' |
Honduras | 'HN' |
Hong Kong | 'HK' |
Hungary | 'HU' |
India | 'IN' |
Indonesia | 'ID' |
Iran | 'IR' |
Iraq | 'IQ' |
Ireland | 'IE' |
Israel | 'IL' |
Italy | 'IT' |
Japan | 'JP' |
Jordan | 'JO' |
Kazakhstan | 'KZ' |
Kenya | 'KE' |
Kuwait | 'KW' |
Kyrgyzstan | 'KG' |
Laos | 'LA' |
Latvia | 'LV' |
Lebanon | 'LB' |
Libya | 'LY' |
Lithuania | 'LT' |
Luxembourg | 'LU' |
Macao | 'MO' |
Malaysia | 'MY' |
Mexico | 'MX' |
Mongolia | 'MN' |
Morocco | 'MA' |
Myanmar | 'MM' |
Nepal | 'NP' |
Netherlands | 'NL' |
New Zealand | 'NZ' |
Nicaragua | 'NI' |
Nigeria | 'NG' |
Norway | 'NO' |
Oman | 'OM' |
Pakistan | 'PK' |
Panama | 'PA' |
Paraguay | 'PY' |
Peru | 'PE' |
Philippines | 'PH' |
Poland | 'PL' |
Portugal | 'PT' |
Qatar | 'QA' |
Romania | 'RO' |
Russian Federation | 'RU' |
Saudi Arabia | 'SA' |
Senegal | 'SN' |
Serbia | 'RS' |
Singapore | 'SG' |
Slovakia | 'SK' |
Slovenia | 'SI' |
South Africa | 'ZA' |
South Korea | 'KR' |
Spain | 'ES' |
Sri Lanka | 'LK' |
Sudan | 'SD' |
Sweden | 'SE' |
Switzerland | 'CH' |
Taiwan | 'TW' |
Tajikistan | 'TJ' |
Tanzania | 'TZ' |
Thailand | 'TH' |
Tunisia | 'TN' |
Turkey | 'TR' |
Turkmenistan | 'TM' |
Ukraine | 'UA' |
United Arab Emirates | 'AE' |
United Kingdom | 'UK' |
United States | 'US' |
Uruguay | 'UY' |
Uzbekistan | 'UZ' |
Venezuela | 'VE' |
Vietnam | 'VN' |
Method | Description |
prices() |
Consumer and producer price index |
monthly_trade() |
Monthly imports and exports, in current prices |
government_accounts() |
Quarterly government accounts, in current prices, and government debt |
yield_curve() |
3 month and 10 year bond yields |
retail_sales() |
Monthly retail sales |
ip() |
Monthly industrial production |
energy() |
Oil, gas, and gasoline production and demand. Data source: JODI. |
national_accounts() |
Quarterly national accounts in constant prices, by expenditure |
from prognosis import CountryGroup
africa = CountryGroup('Africa')
custom_group = CountryGroup(['RU' 'US' 'CN'])
Group | Included country codes |
'Africa' |
['DZ' 'AO' 'CD' 'EG' 'ET' 'GH' 'KE' 'LY' 'MA' 'NG' 'SN' 'ZA' 'SD' 'TZ' 'TN'] |
'Central Asia' |
['AZ' 'KZ' 'KG' 'MN' 'TJ' 'TM' 'UZ'] |
'East Asia' |
['CN' 'HK' 'JP' 'KR' 'MO' 'TW'] |
'Europe' |
['AL' 'AT' 'BY' 'BE' 'BA' 'BG' 'HR' 'CY' 'CZ' 'DK' 'EE' 'FI' 'FR' 'DE' 'GR' 'HU' 'IE' 'IT' 'LV' 'LT' 'LU' 'NL' 'NO' 'PL' 'PT' 'RO' 'RU' 'RS' 'SK' 'SI' 'ES' 'SE' 'CH' 'TR' 'UA' 'EU' 'UK'] |
'G20' |
['AR' 'AU' 'BR' 'CA' 'CN' 'FR' 'DE' 'IN' 'ID' 'IT' 'JP' 'KR' 'MX' 'RU' 'SA' 'ZA' 'TR' 'US' 'EU' 'UK'] |
'Latin America' |
['AR' 'BO' 'BR' 'CL' 'CO' 'CR' 'DO' 'EC' 'SV' 'GT' 'HN' 'NI' 'PA' 'PY' 'PE' 'UY' 'VE'] |
'Middle East' |
['IR' 'IQ' 'IL' 'JO' 'KW' 'LB' 'OM' 'QA' 'SA' 'AE'] |
'North America' |
['CA' 'MX' 'US'] |
'Oceania' |
['AU' 'NZ'] |
'South Asia' |
['BD' 'IN' 'NP' 'PK' 'LK'] |
'Southeast Asia' |
['KH' 'ID' 'LA' 'MY' 'MM' 'PH' 'SG' 'TH' 'VN'] |
Available topicsTopic Desctiption 'GDP'
Gross domestic product 'PRC'
Private consumption 'PUC'
Public consumption 'CON'
Total consumption 'GCF'
Gross capital formation 'GFCF'
Gross fixed capital formation 'CI'
Change in inventories 'CBAL'
Commercial balance (goods + services) 'EXP'
Exports of goods and services 'IMP'
Imports of goods and services 'PI'
Personal income 'RGDP'
Real gross domestic product 'RPRC'
Real private consumption 'RPUC'
Real public consumption 'RCON'
Real total consumption 'RGCF'
Real gross capital formation 'RGFCF'
Real gross fixed capital formation 'RCI'
Real change in inventories 'REXP'
Real exports of goods and services 'RIMP'
Real imports of goods and services 'GDPPC'
GDP per capita 'RGDPPC'
Real GDP per capita 'GDPD'
GDP (current US dollars) 'GDPDEF'
GDP deflator 'CPI'
Consumer price index 'CORE'
Core consumer price index 'PPI'
Producer price index 'URATE'
Unemployment 'JVR'
Job vacancy rate 'JQR'
Job quits rate 'JLR'
Job layoffs rate 'JHR'
Job hires rate 'WAGE'
Wages/Earnings 'WAGEMAN'
Hourly wage manufacturing 'EMP'
Total employment 'ACPOP'
Active population 'PAY'
Total payroll 'EMRATIO'
Employment to working age population 'PART'
Participation rate 'CLAIMS'
Weekly unemployment insurance claims 'RETA'
Retail trade 'IP'
Industrial production 'CP'
Construction production 'INVER'
Investment rate 'SENT'
Sentiment index 'CONF'
Consumer confidence index 'UTIL'
Utilization rate 'DWPE'
Dwelling permits 'NFCI'
Non-financial corporations investment rate 'CAR'
Passenger car sales 'ELE'
Production electricity 'ARIV'
Tourist arrivals 'OIL'
Oil production 'MANU'
Manufacturing production 'CLI'
Trade balance 'NY'
Net income from abroad (Primary Income) 'NCT'
Net current transfers (Secondary Income) 'CA'
Current account balance 'KA'
Capital account 'CKA'
Net foreign investment 'IIPA'
International investment position: Assets 'IIPL'
International investment position: Liabilities 'NIIP'
Net international investment position 'EXPMON'
Monthly exports 'IMPMON'
Monthly imports 'GBAL'
Government balance 'GSPE'
General government total expenditure 'GREV'
General government total revenue 'GDEBT'
Government debt 'GDEBTN'
Government net debt 'POP'
Population 'HHS'
Household saving 'HHDIR'
Household debt to income ratio 'HOU'
House price 'TFRT'
Fertility rate 'LE00'
Life expectancy at birth 'CRED'
Domestic credit 'NFCLOAN'
Lending to non-financial corporations 'PRIDEBT'
Private debt 'NPL'
Non performing loans 'MB'
Monetary base 'M3'
Money supply 'Y10YD'
Long term yield 'M3YD'
3 month yield 'IBD1'
Interbank lending overnight rate 'POLIR'
Policy rate - short term 'XUSD'
Exchange rate v dollar 'SEI'
Stock exchange index 'REER'
Real effective exchange rate 'EQYCAP'
Market capitalization 'OILPROD'
Oil production 'OILDEM'
Oil demand 'GASPROD'
Gas production 'GASDEM'
Gas demand 'GASOPROD'
Gasoline production 'GASODEM'
Gasoline demand
from prognosis.widget import get_widget_data
get_widget_data("supermarket-country-index", {'country': 'US'})
...get_widget_data(widget_name, opts)