A minimal wrapper to make Ethers.JS compatible with the Celo network.
npm i @celo-tools/celo-ethers-wrapper
yarn add @celo-tools/celo-ethers-wrapper
Note this wrapper has Ethers v5 as a peer dependency. Your project must include a dependency on that as well.
Connect to the network by creating a CeloProvider
, which is based on JsonRpc-Provider:
import { CeloProvider } from '@celo-tools/celo-ethers-wrapper'
// Connecting to Alfajores testnet
const provider = new CeloProvider('https://alfajores-forno.celo-testnet.org')
await provider.ready
Note: for a more efficient provider based on StaticJsonRpcProvider you can use StaticCeloProvider
Next, Create a CeloWallet, which is based on Wallet :
import { CeloWallet } from '@celo-tools/celo-ethers-wrapper'
const wallet = new CeloWallet(YOUR_PK, provider)
Use the provider or wallet to make calls or send transactions:
const txResponse = await wallet.sendTransaction({
to: recipient,
value: amountInWei,
const txReceipt = await txResponse.wait()
console.info(`CELO transaction hash received: ${txReceipt.transactionHash}`)
can be used to send transactions.
Here's an example of sending cUSD with the StableToken contract. For interacting with contracts you need the ABI and address. Addresses for Celo core contracts can be found with the CLI's network:contracts
command. The ABIs can be built from the solidity code or extracted in ContractKit's generated
import { Contract, ethers, utils, providers } from 'ethers'
const stableToken = new ethers.Contract(address, abi, wallet)
console.info(`Sending ${amountInWei} cUSD`)
const txResponse: providers.TransactionResponse = await stableToken.transferWithComment(recipient, amountInWei, comment)
const txReceipt = await txResponse.wait()
console.info(`cUSD payment hash received: ${txReceipt.transactionHash}`)
The Celo network supports paying for transactions with the native asset (CELO) but also with the stable token (cUSD).
This wrapper currently has partial support for specifying feeCurrency in transactions.
const gasPrice = await wallet.getGasPrice(stableTokenAddress)
const gasLimit = await wallet.estimateGas(tx)
// Gas estimation doesn't currently work properly for non-CELO currencies
// The gas limit must be padded to increase tx success rate
// TODO: Investigate more efficient ways to handle this case
const adjustedGasLimit = gasLimit.mul(10)
const txResponse = await signer.sendTransaction({
gasLimit: adjustedGasLimit,
feeCurrency: stableTokenAddress,
See the tests under /test
for more detailed examples.