ECMAScript 7 is the next evolution of the ECMA-262 standard, this is at a very early stage, you may want to checkout paws-on-es6 and as well.
List of ES7 features:
- Exponentiation Operator
- Async functions
- Async generators
- Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
- Object.values
- Object.entries
- Array.prototype.includes
- Typed Objects
- Trailing commas in function syntax.
- Class decorators.
- Class properties
- Map.prototype.toJSON
- Set.prototype.toJSON
- Object rest properties
- Object spread properties
- String.prototype.padLeft
- String.prototype.padRight
- String.prototype.trimLeft
- String.prototype.trimRight
- Regexp.escape
- Bind Operator
- Reflect.Realm
Performs exponential calculation on operands. Same algorithm as
Math.pow(x, y)
Stage: Draft.
let cubed = x => x ** 3;
cubed(2) // 8;
Deferred Functions
Stage: Proposal.
function wait(t){
return new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, t));
async function asyncMania(){
await wait(1000);
.then(() => console.log("3"));
// logs: 1 2 3
Deferred generators.
Stage: Proposal.
// provider
async function* nums() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
// consumer
async function printData() {
for(var x on nums()) {
Returns a property descriptor for an own property.
Stage: Strawman.
// Creating a shallow copy.
var shallowCopy = Object.create(
Get all the values of the object as an array.
Stage: Shall reach Strawman
var person = { fname: "Hemanth", lname: "HM", location: "Earth", type: "Human" };
//^ ["Hemanth","HM","Earth","Human"]
Returns a Array of arrays of key,value pairs.
Stage: Shall reach Strawman
var person = { fname: "Hemanth", lname: "HM", location: "Earth", type: "Human" };
//^ [["fname","Hemanth"],["lname","HM"],["location","Earth"],["type","Human"]]
Determines whether an array includes a certain element or not.
Stage: Draft.
[1, 2, 3].includes(3, 0, 7); // true
[1, 2, NaN].includes(NaN); // true
[0,+1,-1].includes(42); // false
Portable, memory-safe, efficient, and structured access to contiguously allocated data.
Stage: Proposal.
var Point = new StructType({
x: int32,
y: int32
var point = new Point({
x: 42,
y: 420
Trailing commas in parameter and argument lists.
Stage: Proposal
var meow = function (cat1, cat2,) {}
Annotate and modify classes and properties at design time.
Stage: Proposal.
class Person {
get kidCount() { return this.children.length; }
function cantEnum(target, name, descriptor) {
descriptor.enumerable = false;
return descriptor;
Properties of class.
Stage: Strawman.
class Cat {
name = 'Garfield';
static says = 'meow';
new Cat().name; // Garfield
Cat.says; // meow
for Maps.
Stage: Strawman.
var myMap = new Map();
myMap.set(NaN, "not a number");
console.log(myMap.toJSON()); // {"NaN":"not a number"}
for Sets.
Stage: Strawman.
var mySet = new Set();
console.log(mySet.toJSON()) // {"1":1,"NaN":null}
String containing the code point at the given position
Stage: Strawman.
'abc\uD834\uDF06def'.at(1) // 'b'
'abc\uD834\uDF06def'.at(3) // '\uD834\uDF06'
Rest properties for object destructuring assignment.
Stage: Strawman.
let { fname, lname, } = { fname: "Hemanth", lname: "HM", location: "Earth", type: "Human" };
fname; //"Hemanth"
lname; //"HM"
rest; // {location: "Earth", type: "Human"}
Spread properties for object destructuring assignment.
Stage: Strawman.
let info = {fname, lname,};
info; // { fname: "Hemanth", lname: "HM", location: "Earth", type: "Human" }
left justify and pad strings.
Stage: Strawman.
"hello".padLeft(4) #=> "hello"
"hello".padLeft(20) #=> "hello "
"hello".padLeft(20, '1234') #=> "hello123412341234123"
right justify and pad strings.
Stage: Strawman.
"hello".padRight(4) #=> "hello"
"hello".padRight(20) #=> " hello"
"hello".padRight(20, '1234') #=> "123412341234123hello"
left trims the string.
Stage: Candidate.
' \t \n LeftTrim \t\n'.trimLeft(); // 'LeftTrim \t\n';
right trims the string.
Stage: Candidate.
' \t \n RightTrim \t\n'.trimRight(); // ' \t \n RightTrim';
Escapes any characters that would have special meaning in a regular expression.
Stage: Strawaman
RegExp.escape("(*.*)"); // "\(\*\.\*\)"
RegExp.escape("。^・ェ・^。") // "。\^・ェ・\^。"
RegExp.escape("😊 *_* +_+ ... 👍"); // "😊 \*_\* \+_\+ \.\.\. 👍"
Function binding and method extraction
Stage: Shall reach Strawman.
let log = (level, msg) => ::console[level](msg);
import { map, takeWhile, forEach } from "iterlib";
::map(x => x.character())
::takeWhile(x => x.strength > 100)
::forEach(x => console.log(x));