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Release Process
No remaining important PRs or issues?
The commands below can be used to verify that links in markdown files works as expected
npm install -g markdown-link-check
find . -name \*.md -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 markdown-link-check
Or stricter:
markdown-link-check -q -a 403,200,404 *.md
To check all but ignore third party (submodule) code do from root repo folder:
find . -name \*.md -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 markdown-link-check -q -a 403,200,404
For all releases except patch releases we intend to update dependencies to latest. (Unless there is a good reason not to do it). The reason for this is that it is more likely that security vulnerabilities (if detected) will be fixed on recent releases. If you are a committer, check that no vulnerabilities are reported in the Security tab
First step is to update versions in pyproject.toml
and setup.cfg
if needed. For grpcio-tools
it is important to use the same version in pyproject.toml
(which controls which version to use when generating grpc files) and setup.cfg
(which indirectly through generated requirements.txt
controls which version to use in runtime.)
Then update exact versions
cd kuksa-client
pip-compile --upgrade --resolver=backtracking setup.cfg
pip-compile --upgrade --extra=test --output-file=test-requirements.txt --resolver=backtracking setup.cfg
If you changed something, create a pull request, have it reviewed and merged and verify that all checks pass
Do not use tags of the form 1.2.3a1
for pre-releases, instead use 1.2.3-a1
The repo use semantic versioning for both docker images and pypi packages. Pep 0440 describes Python versioning scheme. It can be noted that semver and Pep have somewhat different requirements.
If you have created a pypi release then that number can only be reused if a kuksa-client pypi contributor actually deletes it. That is cumbersome.
- If you are to create a final release, use a tag of the form
, for example0.5.0
- If you are to create a pre-release for testing, use a tag of the form
. The dash is needed for ghcr, and will be ignored for pypi builds.- Use "alpha" for arbitrary builds during development, using intended next version as tag. If last release for example was
, then a good pre-release is0.5.1-a1
. If you need more increment the suffix, likea2
, and so on. - Use "rc" for release candidates, using intended next version as tag. If next intended release is
, then a good tag is0.6.0-rc1
- Use "alpha" for arbitrary builds during development, using intended next version as tag. If last release for example was
Get the commit you want from the remote, tag it and push the tag to the official kuksa-python-sdk remote.
Check build results, upon success there should be:
- A new pypi release visible at https://pypi.org/project/vss-tools/#history
- A new ghcr package visible at https://github.com/eclipse-kuksa/kuksa-python-sdk/pkgs/container/kuksa-python-sdk%2Fkuksa-client
- A new GitHub Release visible (but not published) at https://github.com/eclipse-kuksa/kuksa-python-sdk/releases
Note: Normally not needed as handled automatically when you push a tag like described above!
user@debian:~/kuksa.val/kuksa-client$ rm -rf dist
user@debian:~/kuksa.val/kuksa-client$ python -m build
tag_filter is not a valid function reference: Wrong reference name: [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+
* Creating virtualenv isolated environment...
* Installing packages in isolated environment... (grpcio-tools>=1.46.0, setuptools-git-versioning, setuptools>=42, wheel)
* Getting build dependencies for sdist...
tag_filter is not a valid function reference: Wrong reference name: [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+
Matched 0.4.0a1
Matched 0.3.1
Matched 0.3.0
< lot of lines removed >
removing build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel
Successfully built kuksa_client-0.4.0a1.tar.gz and kuksa_client-0.4.0a1-py3-none-any.whl
The result can be uploaded to pypi or to the pypi test repository, if you have the rights to do so. Uploading to testpypi may have limited values for released packages.
python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
python -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*
To be able to upload you need a config file, similar to this one:
user@debian:~/kuksa.val/kuksa-client$ more ~/.pypirc
index-servers =
username = __token__
password = pypi-<token content>
username = __token__
password = pypi-<token content>
If successful it will be shown as a pre-release at pypi
By default pip does not install pre-releases, so you need to specify that with --pre
. Just requesting kuksa-client to be installed will result in the latest stable release will be used:
user@debian:~/kuksa.val/kuksa-client$ pip install kuksa-client
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting kuksa-client
Successfully installed kuksa-client-0.3.1
user@debian:~/kuksa.val/kuksa-client$ pip install --pre kuksa-client
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting kuksa-client
Successfully installed kuksa-client-0.4.0a1
pip supports specifying multiple repositories, but if a package name exists in both only the official pypi repository will be checked.
# This will only check for kuksa-client in https://pypi.org/simple/
pip3 install --pre --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple/ kuksa-client==0.4.0a1
# This will use kuksa-client from test.pypi
pip3 install --pre --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ kuksa-client==0.4.0a1
To be able to use a pre-release two things must be modifed. The first version dependency like in requirements.in. There the dependency must be changed so it includes or possibly even require a newer version. For the 0.4.0a1
example the version requirement kuksa-client ~= 0.3.0
must be changed, for example to kuksa-client >= 0.4.0a1
. That will accept any 0.4.* release (we hope), including pre-releases. Specifying kuksa-client ~= 0.4.0
does not work.
The requirements.txt file must be regenerated considering pre-releases.
pip-compile --upgrade --pre requirements.in
Finally any file using pip install
must be updated to also include pre-releases, like Dockerfile
RUN /opt/venv/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip \
&& pip3 install --pre --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
Creating alpha PyPI packages is only needed if you cannot test with a locally installed kuksa-client package, for instance to build docker containers!
Releases created by CI are visible on the release page for committers, but they are not published. To publish do this:
- Manually select previous release and generate release notes
- Copy instructions based on previous release (part above
## What's Changed
), i.e. information on how to fetch from docker - Also say something about the included *.zip files
- Select "Set as a pre-release"
- Publish
Then inform the Kuksa Project lead, they are the only one allowed to remove the "pre-release" label
- Everything related to pre-releases may be deleted (alpha/rc tags and related content)
- Real tags/releases (for version like
) shall never be removed, neither shall branches handling that tag