This repository contains the help files for the Eclipse 4diac Project as Asciidoc files.
Contributions are most welcome. There are many ways to contribute, from entering high-quality bug reports, to contributing code or documentation changes. For a complete guide, see the contribution guide.
For quick changes to the documentation, you do not need a development set-up. Changes can be made quickly and directly on the Github page. You do need to create Eclipse and Github accounts as described in the contribution guide. Then, follow these steps:
- Choose the main branch if required. Select the dropdown on the Github page of the repository.

Open one of the files that are part of the repository.
On the top-right part of the viewer, click the edit button. You can edit text/code, but also drag&drop images from your local file system onto the editor.
Select button "commit changes..." on the top-right
In the pop-up window, enter a commit message, a description, and select "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request"
In the following page, select "Create pull request". Someone from the project team will review your patch.