This repository serves as a starting point (or boilerplate) for any Next.js SaaS project that requires user authentication, management, and subscription payments. It currently uses Prisma with a Postgres database and is built using shadcn/ui components as well as custom sass components as needed.
Changes or additions to teh stack will be updated here
- Next.js
- Tailwind
- Radix UI
- NextAuth
- Typescript
- Prisma
- Postgresql
- LemonSqueezy (Subscriptions)
- Sass
- shadcn/ui
- Resend
- Lucide icons
Features are developed in no specific order
- App directory
- Route Groups
- Intercepting & Parallel Routes
- Subscriptions with Lemon Squeezy
- Basic SEO
- User Profiles
- Account Pages
- Custom Components
- Toast Message
- Light/Dark Modes
- Responsive Design
- Dasboard layouts
- Cookies
- Intl
- Custom errors
Create a .env
file and generate NextAuth secret using:
openssl rand -base64 32
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.