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Emmanuel Chebbi edited this page Nov 25, 2017 · 2 revisions

ETOS, which stands for Ecore To Scala, is an Acceleo converter that creates Scala code from an existing Ecore model.

As of now, it provides generation of classes, traits, as well as their fields and methods. The ScalaDoc is also created to document the code.


Since the work is still in progress, the project may change widely in the near future.


At the moment, no update site is available to download etos directly from Eclipse IDE. Instead, you have to build your one. Fortunately, Maven make this step very common.

Once the repository is cloned locally, you can use the command mvn package to build the update site automatically.

Further explanations can be found on the dedicated page.


Once the Ecore To Scala Module IDE feature is installed into Eclipse IDE, right-click on a .genmodel file, select the Acceleo Model to Text menu item, then Generate Ecore to Scala.

The generated Scala files should be in the src-gen folder.

Further explanations can be found on the dedicated page.

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