A simple demo of an AngularJS (v1.5) Single Page Application to view a 5-day weather forecast using the OpenWeatherMap API. Highlights include:
application style and layout managed by AngularUI Bootstrap
development tasks run by gulp (v4), with automatic browser reloading on changes handled by browsersync
script bundling with browserify
test code coverage reporting with istanbul
end-to-end testing with protractor and selenium-standalone
documentation generated by gulp-ngdocs
code standards maintained with the help of jshint, jscs and sass-lint.
Clone this repository, and run
$ npm install
From the top-level directory, run
$ gulp serve
and point a web browser at For source code documentation, use
All source files are monitored for changes, and the browser will automatically reload the application and documentation pages.
To create a standalone, minified build of the application, run
$ gulp compile:app:prod
The output is created in the dist
directory, and is suitable for
serving by any web server.
While gulp is serving the application, any changes to source or test files will trigger the unit tests. The tests can also be started at any time by running
$ gulp test
The unit tests generate code coverage information using
istanbul, which is written
to the coverage
directory. Open ./coverage/index.html
in a browser
to view coverage details for each source file.
To start end-to-end tests, run
$ gulp protractor
This uses selenium-standalone, so progress can be observed in the browser windows that pop up.
By default, tests are run in Chrome and Firefox, and Safari if the testing is done on a Mac OS X host. (NB, Firefox is currently disabled until the driver issues between Selenium and newer versions of Firefox are ironed out.) To run the tests in a particular browser, use
$ gulp protractor:chrome
$ gulp protractor:firefox
$ gulp protractor:safari
The tests also by default run in four browser window sizes: xs
(600x800), sm (800x1024), md (1000x1024) and lg (1200x1024). Add the
suffix :xs
, :sm
, :md
or :lg
to the gulp
task to run in just
the one size. For example
$ gulp protractor:chrome:xs
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