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Releases: ecell/ECell_Dive


18 Dec 03:45
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The purpose of this update is to improve the visuals of the Dive Travel Map based on the feedback from a reviewer of the paper associated to this project.



  • The reviewer recommended to display the name of the dive scenes inside the nodes.
    • We avoided to continuously display the names to preserve readability of the travel. Names are displayed only when users points at a node.
  • The reviewer recommended to adjust the start/end sizes of the arrows to better visualize the direction of the arrow (small at the start, big at the end).
  • In addition we replaced the default highlight color from cyan to:
    • the invert color of the node
    • the invert color of the blend between the colors of the start and end nodes for the edges.
  • The reviewer recommended the display to be vertical instead of horizontal to match the intuition of height behind the word Dive. However, this would imply a redesign of the name handler (at the top of the module) to avoid collision with big dive travels. The redesign would break the homogeneity of the aspect of all the modules so we are reluctant to do so. For now, we settled on the intermediate situation to display the map diagonally. This is only temporary as we plan to rework how users interact with the Dive Travel Map altogether in the future; we could not implement such plan now because of limited time. This will be the subject of a future update.


Breaking change


08 Nov 11:24
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The content of this update was motivated by the comments we received from reviewers of the submitted paper associated to this project.
In particular, the reviewers asked for i) a solution to help preserve the mental model of users when diving, ii) a solution to extend the usage of ECellDive in the context of the Metaverse, iii) better documentation.

Major Changes

  • Regarding i) a solution to help preserve the mental model of users when diving, we added a module called Dive Travel Map to show the user which dive seen he has been to. The interactions with the module is still limited but we have plans to enhance it in future update.
  • Regarding ii) a solution to extend the usage of ECellDive in the context of the Metaverse, we completely changed the workflow with HTTP modules in ECellDive that communicates with Kosmogora. Before, this update, any HTTP module could try to connect to any IP address. Now, only the new module API Checker can do that. This new module will then manage the authorized servers for every other HTTP module. This new module authorizes the servers based on an API schema required for each HTTP module in ECellDive. This gives a better framed workflow for users to plug in their own Kosmogora-like servers. This is for now limited to the modules already existing in ECellDive, but we improved the documentation to explain how users can create new modules with a focus on HTTP modules. We will continue to work on API schema and ECellDive's API to facilitate extending the pair Kosmogora+ECellDive
  • Regarding iii) better documentation, we finished adding documentation for every classes and methods used in the project (hopefully, we didn't forget any), and we added many explanations to understand the code base of the project.

Minor Changes

In the process of working on i), we also largely refactored the API for graphs which is now more structured. See the corresponding API doc if you are interested in reusing it.

[v0.11.5-alpha] Quality of Life Update

02 Aug 08:34
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Major changes

  • 3D models for all modules to be able to distinguish them from each other based on the form and not only the name.
  • Added feedback animations to notify users when a server-based (Kosmogora) request is currently being processed, successful or failed.
  • Added feedback on keypress of the virtual keyboard to ensure a key sent the information as intended.
  • Added tags upon switching input modes on a controller to know which new input mode is being used.
  • Added a portal bound to a data module as the interface for Dive (will be further improved in future releases).

Documentation update

Dependencies update

This release will be the first to accompany submissions of this work for review to journals.

First public release - v0.10.0-alpha

07 Jul 06:28
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The first version of ECellDive shared with the public on the occasion of the project's presentation at ISMB 2022 Biovis track.

This version needs to be associated with answer_talker which is the server for importing data, running calculations and saving modifications made to the model.

In this version, one can:
-import the iJO1366 model for E.Coli metabolism
-visualize the associated network
-request a flux balance analysis of the model
-host and join multiplayer sessions

Please take a look at the user's documentation to learn more about the in-app controls.