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MoBlock README v0.9


   MoBlock is a linux console application that blocks connections from/to hosts
   listed in a file in peerguardian format (guarding.p2p) and since version
   0.4 it supports new peerguardian 2.x files ( p2p.p2b ) and ipfilter.dat
   It uses iptables ipqueue library and it is very light in resource
   usage. I test it on an old Celeron 400 Mhz and its cpu usage has only spikes
   at 5% under normal usage (edonkey, bittorrent etc...).

** UPDATE: from version 0.6 MoBlock supports the new kernel interface NFQUEUE
   added in kernel 2.6.14 and the default is to compile and use it instead
   of the deprecated ip_queue interface. If you want to use the old interface
   you must edit the Makefile, read below to know what to modify.


1) iptables and kernel support for connection and state tracking (
   ip_conntrack,ipt_state) and ip_queue or ipt_NFQUEUE kernel modules/built-in.

   At least kernel 2.6.14 is required to use the NFQUEUE interface (the
   default interface from MoBlock version 0.6) and userspace library:

   libnfnetlink 0.0.14
   libnetfilter_queue 0.0.11

   These are the kernel modules i have with MoBlock running
   on 2.6.9-ac6:
	iptable_filter          2016  1
	ipt_state               1312  4
	ip_conntrack           37716  1 ipt_state
	ip_tables              14496  2 iptable_filter,ipt_state
	ip_queue                7608  0

   ...and these with kernel 2.6.15 using new NFQUEUE interface:

	nfnetlink_queue         9280  1
	nfnetlink               4824  2 nfnetlink_queue
	ipt_NFQUEUE             1408  2
	ipt_state               1472  0
	ip_conntrack           40044  1 ipt_state
	iptable_filter          2176  1
	ip_tables              17600  3 ipt_NFQUEUE,ipt_state,iptable_filter
	...and these with kernel 2.6.23 using NFQUEUE interface:
	nfnetlink_queue         9344  1
	nfnetlink               4568  2 nfnetlink_queue
	ipt_REJECT              3520  2
	xt_mark                 1600  2
	nf_conntrack_ipv4      12424  5
	iptable_filter          2308  1
	ip_tables              10328  1 iptable_filter
	xt_state                1984  5
	nf_conntrack           48356  2 nf_conntrack_ipv4,xt_state
	xt_NFQUEUE              1664  3
	x_tables               11396  5 ipt_REJECT,xt_mark,ip_tables,xt_state,xt_NFQUEUE
	(notice that ipt_NFQUEUE has changed to xt_NFQUEUE, same thing for other modules too)

2) A valid guarding.p2p/ipfilter.dat/p2p.p2b host file in /etc ( /etc/guarding.p2p ).
   MoBlock tries to skip malformed or duplicate ranges but
   if it founds something unexpected it segfaults :P
   Update: Thanks to Andrew de Quincey patch MoBlock now uses regular
   expressions to load guarding.p2p files so this should not be
   a problem anymore for these lists.
   In my tests i used lists from

   From version 0.7 loaded ranges are now automatically merged when
   overlapping or already included ranges are found (guarding.p2p files
   usually have many of these).

3) Minimum iptables knowledge (or trust my start script).
   MoBlock filter only packets that are QUEUEd with iptables. So it's up
   to you to choose what traffic you want to be filtered.
   For example if you want MoBlock to filter all the new TCP connections
   that are initiated from your box using NFQUEUE kernel interface:

	iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -j NFQUEUE

   NFQUEUE supports multiple queues (using --queue-num option), you MUST
   specify it when launching MoBlock if you don't use the default queue 0
   using the -q command line option ( -q 0-65535 ).
   Running two or more MoBlock instances to handle different queues was
   not tested, do it at your own risk!

   A simple start script is provided that makes MoBlock filter all new
   incoming and outgoing connections for all protocols. If you use the
   new kernel interface use the script, if you use the old
   one use the script.
   If you want MoBlock not to filter traffic to specific ports (for ex.
   you want to browse a website that is in your block list) you can edit
   the start script to add ports you don't want to be filtered.
   For the previuos example you will use:


   It will make MoBlock to not filter OUTgoing TCP traffic to http port.
   Other variables are for INcoming and ForWarded traffic, TCP and UDP.

   Warning: many block lists include the loopback address so you can have
   strange troubles accessing localhost services. I added in the start
   script explicit rules to accept localhost-to-locahost connections.


   When a packet hits a NFQUEUE/QUEUE rule it will be accepted or dropped by
   MoBlock (well it is what you want right? :P ) so it will NOT be checked
   by other rules that may follow in the chain!

.Installation & Usage.

   Just untar somwhere.
   To build MoBlock from sources just do


   in the directory where you extracted it. If you want to compile using
   the old libipq library you must edit the Makefile, on top of it you
   will find detailed instructions.

   The static version was compiled on Slackware 10.2 with gcc 3.4.5, if you
   don't want to install the libnetfilter libraries try it, just rename it
   to "moblock".

   To start it just launch (if you use the new kernel
   interface) or (if you use the old kernel interface) as root,
   for example:

   ./ &

   By default it will load the block list from /etc/guarding.p2p and
   will log its activity to ./MoBlock.log, you can edit the script if you
   want to change them.
   You can specify a whitelist of ports in the start script as explained
   If you want to use new p2p.pdb files change this line in the start script:

	./moblock -p /etc/guarding.p2p MoBlock.log

   into this:

	./moblock -n /etc/p2p.p2b MoBlock.log

   or if you want to use ipfilter.dat files:

	./moblock -d /etc/ipfilter.dat MoBlock.log

   To specify a NFQUEUE queue number:

	./moblock -p /etc/guarding.p2p -q 5 MoBlock.log
   From version 0.9 MoBlock supports MARKing packets and RETURN them to
   iptables, there's an example start script ( that
   uses this feature to REJECT packet instead of dropping them. It can help
   in complex firewall configuration where you need more control of packets
   flow after MoBlock inspection.
   See the mentioned start script for reference, you can set the MARK value
   for packets that MoBlock would drop (ip in list) with the "-r" command line
   option and for packets that MoBlock would accept (ip not in list) with
   the "-a" command line option.

   To stop MoBlock:

   kill -TERM <MoBlockPid>

   While shutting down it will dump some stats to /var/log/MoBlock.stats
   To obtain stats about blocked ranges while it's running:

   kill -USR1 <MoBlockPid>	# write stats to logfile
   kill -USR2 <MoBlockPid>  # write stats to /var/log/MoBlock.stats

** NEW: to reload the blocklist while MoBlock is running send to it the
   HUP signal:

   kill -HUP <MoBlockPid>	# reloads blocklist and resets stats

   Moreover when HUP or USR1 is received the log file will be reopened
   to allow log file rotation.


- Thomas Niemann (thomasn at for the red/black trees
  free implementation, used to store and search ip ranges. You can 
  find it at
- Chris Lowth, developer of FTwall (, i 
  took some code and ideas from his FTwall
- Andrew de Quincey (adq at lidskialf dot net) for regular expressions
  and command line args patch
- clessing at freenet dot de for logfile rotation
  patches, pid file creation, start script, fixes/files for debian packaging
- David Walluck, patch for proper loading of p2b files
- jre, for continuing clessing work on debian packaging and many other

Last Updated: 15/Oct/2007


MoBlock - linux userspace ip filtering







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