This repository contains scripts, wrappers or snippets of code useful for converting format ( bigBed, bigWig, etc. ) and creating track hubs.
First copy the application binaries
cd scripts
and grab chrom.sizes from UCSC using the chosen assembly e.g.
mkdir ../local
./fetchChromSizes hg38 > ../local/hg38.chrom.sizes
Perform any operation necessary to prepare the files that will be used to create tracks, such as
# set uniform color in BED files...
./set_bed_color BED1.bed BED2.bed.gz 265,165,0
# ... remove selected contigs, adjust score, etc.
header=$(zcat BED1.bed.gz | sed -n '1p') && zcat BED1.bed.gz | tail $1 -n+2 | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t";}{print $1,$2,$3,$4,100,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12;}' | awk '$1!~"AEMK|FPK"' | sed "1s/^/$header\n/g" | gzip > BED2.bed.gz
# reheader BAM files to match UCSC contig format...
./reheader_bam DIR1 DIR2 hg38
# ... or run any other custom script to convert GTF, BED6 to BED12, or bedGraph.
Prepare the indexed binary files (bigBed, bigWig) by running one of the following
, or
These scripts are wrapper to Genome Browser application binaries or deepTools
executables such as bamCoverage
. For more information, use the
Pinned version of selected dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt
file for reproducible installation,
in particular the Python package trackhub
and deepTools
Note: it may be a good idea to re-install the trackhub
package from latest pip install git+git://
A number of UCSC Genome Browser application binaries for stand-alone use are also required and can be copied
using the script copy_ucsc_exe
To install the local VCS project in development mode, use the --editable
or -e
option, otherwise
this flag can be ignored.
To install phub
and dependencies, first create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv /path/to/virtual/environment
For information about Python virtual environments, see the venv documentation.
To activate the new virtual environment and install phub
# Activate the new virtual environment.
source /path/to/virtual/environment/bin/activate
# If necessary, upgrade pip and wheel or additional packages (such as setuptools if installing in editable mode).
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
# Clone the git repository
git clone
cd trackhub-utils
# The period is required, it is the local project path (trackhub-utils)
pip --verbose install -r requirements.txt [-e] . 2>&1 | tee install.log
The package can also be installed within an anaconda environment.
# Create the anaconda environment.
conda create -n my_new_environment python=3.6 anaconda
# Activate the new environment.
source activate my_new_environment
# Clone the git repository
git clone
cd trackhub-utils
pip --verbose install -r requirements.txt [-e] . 2>&1 | tee install.log
To remove the phub
pip uninstall phub
If the package is installed in a dedicated virtual environment, this environment can also be cleared or removed.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Some scripts/utils are adapted from the pybio-utils
package, authored by Brandon Malone, and maintained by Etienne Boileau.