YADI aims to provide non-intrusive run time dependency injection via human readable YAML config with generated help information.
Example help information, see test/yadi/example.cpp
# "implementation_type" -> Help information
# continued help information...
"type_by_value" -> Direct conversion using yaml.as<double>()
"type_by_value" -> Direct conversion using yaml.as<float>()
"type_by_value" -> Direct conversion using yaml.as<int>()
"type_by_value" -> Direct conversion using yaml.as<std::string>()
"type_by_value" -> Expects yaml map with fields:
make: std::string, The make of the car!
power_plant: yadi::power_plant, What makes the car go!
"electric" -> Expects yaml sequence with types:
- std::string, Origin of motor
- int, Watts
- list<int>, Random numbers for testing?
"gas" -> Expects yaml map with fields:
make: std::string, Engine make
cylinder_count: int, The number of cylinders
bore: float, Cylidner bore in inches
stroke: float, Cylinder stroke in inches
vendors: set<std::string>, Vendors providing parts for engine
Example configuration
- make: "gm"
type: gas
make: LQ4
cylinder_count: 8
bore: 3.72
stroke: 3.44
- Currie
- Synergy
- Some other vendor
- make: "tesla"
type: electric
- 1200
- - 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Example classes
struct power_plant {
virtual ~power_plant() {}
virtual int power() const = 0;
struct electric : public power_plant {
electric(std::string make, int watts, std::vector<int> numbers)
: make(std::move(make)), watts(std::move(watts)), numbers(numbers) {}
int power() const { return this->watts; }
std::string make;
int watts;
std::vector<int> numbers;
struct gas : public power_plant {
gas(std::string make, int cylinder_count, float bore, float stroke, std::set<std::string> vendors)
: make(make), cylinder_count(cylinder_count), bore(bore), stroke(stroke), vendors(std::move(vendors)) {}
int power() const { return this->bore * this->stroke * this->cylinder_count; }
std::string make;
int cylinder_count;
float bore;
float stroke;
std::set<std::string> vendors;
struct car {
car(std::string make, std::unique_ptr<power_plant>&& motor) : make(std::move(make)), motor(std::move(motor)) {}
std::string make;
std::unique_ptr<power_plant> motor;
- c++14
- conan.io, see http://conan.io
- edsidea conan remote,
conan remote add <REMOTE> https://api.bintray.com/conan/edsidea/edsidea
is your name for this remote
- mkdir build
- cd build
- conan install .. --build missing
- conan build ..
- ctest
- base type: The type a factory instantiates. factory would have a base type of foo.
- ptr type: The type created by a factory. The default pointer type is std::unique_ptr<base_type>. Returning by value is possible but implies no inheritance is used. This name is poor and will change soon.
- output type: The return type of a create function. By default the base types pointer type is used, but other types may be requested. Anything output type that's true for std::is_convertible<output_type, base_type> is allowed and adapters may facilitate other conversions.
- initializer: A function capable of instantiaing the base type of a factory.
- adapter: A layer on top of factory::create to allow types such as templated containers to be created without having to register initializers for each element type.
- type: A string identifying an initializer.
- config: YAML to be passed to an initializer.
- factory config: YAML containing both type information and config to be passed to an initializer.