A procedurally generating natural language Reddit bot capable of acting on a variety of triggers such as comment sentiment, emotion, and phrases
- Reddit API and User
- Tested on NodeJS v11.15.0, may work on other versions
- Only tested on Linux, should work on Windows
In a CMD/terminal,
npm install glamour-redditbot
Modify the configs in ./config and then start the bot with,
npm start
// The following two sections shouldn't need instructions
"redditCredentials": {
"appID": "",
"appSecret": "",
"userAgent": "Glamour/{version} by Charisma",
"username": "",
"password": ""
// This is on by default and is very verbose. It doesn't post comments and gives emotional/sentiment read outs
"debugMode": true
// You can have multiple replies per bot.
"replies": [
"name": "I Love Kitties",
"replyDelay": 1, // How long after a comment until the bot replies in minutes
"delayFuzz": 60, // A random amount of seconds up to the provided number added to the delay
"cooldown": 5, // Minutes until the reply will trigger again, this skips detected comments until it is off cooldown
"subreddits": [ // Subreddits this post in
"bannedSubreddits": [ // Subreddits this wont post in
"bannedUsers": [ // Users this wont reply to
"detailCount": 2, // How many unique details to use
"typos": true, // Add in typos
"oncePerUser": true, // Only reply to a user once, ever
"oncePerSubmission": true, // Only reply to a submission once, ever
"prefaces": [ // First sentrance, 1 chosen randomly
"I {love|adore|go bonkers for} kitties too!", // Words spereated with | within {} will have one chosen randomly
"There is nothing I {adore|love} more than kitties!"
"details": [ // Supporting details, chosen randomly
"They are SOOOO cuddly!",
"They are so warm and soft!",
"They are just great!"
"conclusions": [ // Closing sentance, chosen randomly
"I just love them so much!",
"OoOoO, I just can't help my self"
"triggers": [ // These all need to be true for the reply to be used
"type": "sentiment",
"value": "notNegative", // Can be positive, negative, neutral, notPositive, and notNegative
"overrides": { // Overrides for words and their values, -5 to 5
"kitties": 5
"type": "phrase", // Word search
"included": true, // true or false. Must include or must not include ONE of the phrases
"phrases": [
"type": "phrase",
"included": false,
"phrases": [
"type": "emotion",
"emotion": "anger", // Possible emotions are bellow. Vulnerability is 0-5, emotions are probabilities 0.0-1.0
"value": 0 // If 0, must be 0 or not this emotion, anything over 0 requires the value to be >= to it
Possible Emotions
"subreddits": [
"name": "cats", // The sub
"cooldown": 11, // Mintues between replies, will still eventually reply to comments heard during the cooldown
"pollTime": 5, // Time in seconds to look for new comments
"results": 50 // Results per poll
"typos": {
"typoRate": 100, // The rate typos are introduce in 10ths of a percent. 1 = 0.1%, 10 = 1%, 100 = 10%
"typoCommas": true, // Forget to use commas
"typoApostrophes": true, // Forget to use Apostrophes
"typoCase": true, // Forget casing
"speechParts": [
"string": "they're", // The speech part to misspell
"typos": [ // The possible typos, chosen at random
"string": "theyre",
"typos": [
"string": "their",
"typos": [
"string": "there",
"typos": [
"string": "your",
"typos": [
"string": "youre",
"typos": [
"string": "you're",
"typos": [
"string": "you",
"typos": [
"string": "ei",
"typos": [
"string": "ie",
"typos": [
"string": "ai",
"typos": [
"string": "ia",
"typos": [
"string": "qu",
"typos": [
I'm not responsible for what this bot is used for, or the consequences thereof. It is a powerful tool that can be used to do many great, or terrible things. Use common sense.