Deploy a Vultr Tortoise TTS instance. Then install the Tortoise TTS fast fork over top.
sudo make install_server
Edit /etc/athena/config.json
with your key and server info.
Start the service with,
systemctl enable --now /opt/athena/athena-server.service
Its recommended to put this behind nginx.
This requires a few extra steps,
To start,
sudo make install_client
Go to,
Sign up for a free account. Now you need 3 wake words,
- "Athena Listen"
- "Athena Request"
- "Athena Quiet"
Train and download these wake words. Unzip the ppn files to these locations,
Now add your porcupine and server details to the config file,
You are going to want to pick a voice, or leave it as freeman. Then you want to generate the pre-rendered voice responses.
sudo python3 /opt/athena/
If you set up the server right, this should be working. If not, check the server!
Now start the assistant!
systemctl enable --now /opt/athena/athena.service
This should be working and you should be ready to go!
- "Athena Listen" is used to trigger commands preset in the config.
- "Athena Request" hits the server, uses OpenAI to get a response, and then TortoiseTTS to render the response
- "Athena Quiet" is to tell Athena to bail on a request or to stop talking during a long one
- "Never mind" tells Athena to stop waiting for a command
- "What are you" tells Athena to identify itself