EasySOA event monitoring Subscription UI
This application is a prototype of one of the features EasySOA can allows to users.
This application is ruby based, specially rails which is a very popular web framework.
Lets talk about how it works. this application has many requirements:
Download and install Ruby(1.9.3) and Rails http://rubyonrails.org/
After installing ruby and rails install thin server by running: sudo gem install thin
Get easysoamonitoringrails from Github
git clone git@github.com:easysoa/easysoa-proxy-event-ui.git
git clone https://github.com/easysoa/easysoa-proxy-event-ui.git
Build EasySOA
Run EasySOA
Connect to the registry as Administrator
Reach the Consumer configuration following this way:
Admin Panel-> Oauth/OpenSocial -> Consumer -> Add.
Then add a new consumer. By default use key = "bob" and secret "bob" for allow the rails application to exchange with the registry. You can set others values but you should set the same values in the application controllers which is in the app/controllers/application_controller.rb
Enter from the terminal in the easysoamonitoringrails folder downloaded then run in order theses commands:
- Run
bundle install
To install all the requires gems needed by the RoR aplication - Run
rake db:create
To create the sqlite database - Run
rake db:migrate
To create all the tables required for the aplication - Run
rake db:seed
To insert some default data about roles(By default 2 roles: Business Users and Power Users )
- Run
Run the Application:
- Run
thin start
- Run
For change NXql requests: file app/config/initializers/configvariables.rb
More about EasySOA: https://github.com/easysoa