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I was a commuter to an open source project [check the branch "290-dbrider-dataset-2"]

- Environment configuration
- Frontend with HTML and Bootstrap
- API implementation
- Verified and resolved bug reports and issues
- Git Version Control to track changes and deal with Git Conflict

What I configured

🧩 Docker (dockerfile and docker compose)

🧩 Liquibase (connected it to database)

🧩 DBRider customization

Tasks I complited

✅ Built All Questions page with HTML and Bootstrap


✅ Implemented API in ResourceAnswerController:

POST _api/user/question/{questionId}/answer/{id}/downVote_
In Stack Overflow forum, when a User votes for an Answer, the Reputation of the answer's author decreases by 5 points. API should include a documented feature that returns the Total Vote Count, which is the sum of upvotes and downvotes. However, this functionality is only available to authorized users.

First, I took answer id and question id from Url adding an authorized user - from SecurityContextHolder:
(path: src/main/java/com/javamentor/qa/platform/webapp/controllers/rest/

  • alt-текст

The interesting thing here is that there are multiple edge cases we have to consider to count the Total Amount of Votes. Such as:

  1. User can Votedown only once. Thus, the method voteAnswerExists in ResourceAnswerController validates if the object already exists in database: alt-текст further, in VoteAnswerService: (path: src/main/java/com/javamentor/qa/platform/service/impl/model/ alt-текст finally, in a VoteAnswerDao: (path: src/main/java/com/javamentor/qa/platform/dao/impl/model/ alt-текст

  2. User cannot vote for own answer. Therefore, I checked if the User is not an author of the Answer in REST-Controller by implementing the getByIdAndChecked method that queries the information from database: alt-текст Service layer:
    alt-текст Dao layer: alt-текст

  3. The author of the Answer has to be "granted" by -5 points; ergo, his Reputation status should be updated in a few steps:
    (path: src/main/java/com/javamentor/qa/platform/service/impl/model/
    __ check if the instance of the Rreputation exists:
    __ update points or create a new Reputation:
    __ fill in the fields of newReputation in case it was created:

  4. To return the Total Amount of Votes we have to compute both down and up votes of the Answer:

  5. Besides, we have to check if the Answer and the Question (related to the answer) exist. Here I use EnitityManager in Dao layer to query information from database:

Let us focus on the reputationService.updateCountByDown that takes two parameters: a User who wrote the Answer and an Answer's ID:

✅ Configurated and connected Database Rider

DBRider is a Java testing library that facilitates writing integration tests for database-related code



@DataSet annotation is implemented to configure a DataSet (vs. DBUnit) and is specified with the following feature:

  • strategy = SeedStrategy.INSERT meaning that DBUnit will insert data in tables present on provided data;

  • skipCleaningFor allows to skip cleaning for "db_liquibase" to preserve data that is managed by an external tool - Liquibase;

  • cleanAfter calls a cleaning process after test that will ensure any changes are rolled back to leave the database in its original state;

  • tableOrder defines the order in which tables should be cleaned after the test to ensure child tables will be cleaned before their parents.
