Sign-App-CLI is a command-line tool for signing iOS and macOS apps. This tool is built to make the code-signing process quick and easy, saving developers precious time that can be spent on other important tasks. This tool can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to automate the code-signing process.
This tool is written in Go but can be used only on macOS or iOS (jailbroken) devices.
- Sign iOS and MacOS apps from the command line (.ipa files and .app folders)
- Bundle apps into ipa files that are ready to be installed on iPhones or Silicon Macs
- List codesigning certificates installed on your machine
- List provisioning profiles installed on your machine
You can download the latest version of the tool from the releases page.
You can also compile the tool from source. You will need to have Go installed on your machine.
git clone
cd sign-app-cli
go build
sign-app-cli -h
Sign your iOS/Macos app from command line
sign-app-cli [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
listCodesigningCerts List all codesigning certificates available in your keychain
listProvisioningProfiles List all provisioning profiles available in your keychain
sign Sign the provided file
-h, --help help for sign-app-cli
Use "sign-app-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
sign-app-cli listCodesigningCerts
Found 3 codesigning certificates:
Apple Development: Fake Person (XXXXXXXXXX)
Apple Development: Imaginary Name (YYYYYYYYYY)
Apple Distribution: Fake Company (ZZZZZZZZZZ)
sign-app-cli listProvisioningProfiles
Found 2 provisioning profiles:
MyMobileProvision (XXXXXXXXXX)
sign-app-cli sign -h
Sign the provided file with the provided provisioning profile and codesigning certificate.
The file can be an .ipa or a .app.
sign-app-cli sign [flags]
-c, --certificate string The name of the codesigning certificate to use installed on the machine
-e, --entitlements string The path of the entitlements file to use
-h, --help help for sign
-i, --input string The path of the file to sign
-o, --output string The path of the signed file
-p, --profile string The name of the provisioning profile to use installed on the machine
-P, --profilePath string The path of the provisioning profile to use
I want to sign the app located at /Users/fakeperson/Desktop/MyApp.ipa
with the provisioning profile MyMobileProvision (XXXXXXXXXX)
and the certificate Apple Development: Fake Person (XXXXXXXXXX)
sign-app-cli sign -i /Users/fakeperson/Desktop/MyApp.ipa -p "MyMobileProvision (XXXXXXXXXX)" -c "Apple Development: Fake Person (XXXXXXXXXX)" -o /Users/fakeperson/Desktop/MyApp-signed.ipa
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.