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#How to integrate your application with K-9 Mail #labels Phase-Design,Phase-Implementation,Phase-Support
Application developers willing to integrate their application with K-9 in order to retrieve messages, programatically configure K-9, etc.
K-9 Mail API is built upon Android:
- [http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/intents/intents-filters.html Intents broadcasting]
- [http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html Content Providers]
See [Intents]
Due to the shared nature of content providers, applications querying a !ContentProvider have to be fair in their use of the obtained Cursor instance.
Since K-9 has no way to enforce fair-use of its !ContentProviders, it is up to each querying application to obey a short set of rules in order not to step on each other toes:
- You must not keep a hold on the newly obtained Cursor instance (eg. don't assign it to an instance/class variable)
- You must close the Cursor in an early fashion:
, extract data (and possibly store them for later usage) from the Cursor andclose()
the cursor in a row
Failure to comply to these rules is likely to result in other applications using K-9 content providers to freeze (it might even freeze your own application, depending on the way you query the content provider).
Application developers need to keep in mind that each content provider invocation can be a costly and lengthly operation: if you don't want your application to appear to be unresponsive while waiting for a content resolver response (and possibly trigger the Application Not Responding (ANR) dialog), you have to properly use multithreading in order not to hog your application UI thread. More on that at [http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/design/responsiveness.html].
Please note that just firing up Threads to invoke K-9 content provider isn't enough to properly implement multithreading: chances are that you need to properly serialize/throttle your invocations not to overwhelm the system with fast-paced query()
(work in progress, URIs may evolve)
Messages retrieval URI:
Columns: -
Type: INTEGER (long)
Description: The unique ID for a row. -
Description: The count of rows in a directory. -
Type: INTEGER (long)
Description: The number of milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970, midnight GMT. -
Type: TEXT -
Type: TEXT -
Type: TEXT -
Type: - -
Type: - -
Type: - -
Account list retrieval URI:
Below is an excerpt from an e-mail I made on 2010-10-17 -- fiouzy
I added mutual exclusion to the content provider to prevent resource starvation and that is a way to implement thread safety: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_safety#Implementation
Back on the content provider issue, it's a shame that Android documentation doesn't focus on the ContentResolver side (actually that shouldn't need to be explained but that seems to mislead people unaware of shared environments): since the ContentProvider is a shared resource, ContentResolvers have to be fair in their use of the shared resource and that implicitly mean they shouldn't keep a hold on anything that might prevent other resolvers to proceed (regardless of any mutual exclusion, Cursor retention is a resource consuming operation).
Since there is no way to actually prevent (from K-9's perspective) unfair use of the content provider, mutual exclusion was set to the minimum so that implementors can discover quickly enough that something's wrong with the resource or their usage of the resource. Even with the mutual exclusion minimum limit, chances are that implementors don't see problems with wrongly implemented resolvers (because they only have 1 single content resolver on their system) but we're maximizing the odds that they find out something's wrong. If I'd have to summarize all this mutual exclusion thing, I would say it's all about fairness.
One might then wonder why "Cursor" (and its "closeable" concept) was chosen for ContentProviders when it was originatively designed for database purpose (its actual package name is android.database): my understanding is that it was chosen because it offers a lightweight transportation channel API that is able to stream data. Streaming is expected to be resource friendly, but that only is if the actual source is able to be streamed: in K-9, as of now, the source cannot be streamed because it has to be a List of objects in order to be sorted. Why isn't it a database source? Because the necessary business logic to properly build messages isn't implemented in the DB layer (I'm not saying it can't be done but could involve logic duplication/maintenance issues). Moreover, even if using a database as the actual Cursor source (which is likely to mitigate the MatrixCursor memory hog issue), that would tightly couple the provider application with the resolver application: if the provider application wants (for its own personal reasons) close its DB, that would invalidate the cursor used by the resolver and make it fail. The fact is that the storage backend (which might be a DB, flat files, XML files, network storage, etc.) is an application internal and an application should be able to use/open/close that backend at its own and sole discretion. Such matters (Cursor lifecycle/application coupling) go way beyond the simple provider/resolver semantic and should be avoided by closing the Cursor early (right after query() and data extraction). If one needs a realtime communication channel, there's an API for that: Intents (which can be combined with the provider API). If one needs to keep data for later usage (and maintain future latency/CPU usage at its minimum), keep the actual data and not the Cursor instance.