The first version of this was made with Arduino. The Arduino I was using was too slow so I decided to update the hardware (this was more time consuming that expected).
- Download nRF5 v17 from
- Extract to ../nRF5SDK17/
- Download S212 from
- Extract to ../nRF5SDK17/components/softdevice/s212/headers and ../nRF5SDK17/components/softdevice/s212/hex
- Copy custom_board.h and nrf52840_mdk_usb_dongle.h to ../nRF5SDK17/components/boards
- Uncomment #define ANT_LICENSE_KEY "" in ../nRF5SDK17/components/softdevice/s212/headers/nrf_sdm.h
- Add network keys to ../nRF5SDK17/components/ant/ant_key_manager/config/ant_key_manager_config.h from
- nRF52840 MDK USB Dongle
- MPU 9520
- BMP280 (two)
- Hall effect sensor (two)