Copy monohelper.lua
from the autorun folder in this repo to the autorun
folder where cheat engine is installed. When opening the process of a mono
game you should see a 'Mono Search' menu added to CE.
The purpose of this is to make easier to analyze games that use mono. The default dissect window is slow and difficult to use. By fetching all the mono information up front (in just a few seconds) and storing them in LUA tables it is possible to do things like auto-complete style instant searching.
NOTE *this is a work in progress, the basic searching works well, but you have to use the dissect window to do most things still until I can figure out how to use pop-ups better
To use the new forms, select the new 'Search' option from the mono menu. The first
time you do this it will open a window to select the image. I've found that for
mono games you usually want to select Assembly-CSharp
. This is much easier here
because the list is sorted by name (unlike the dissect window which is sorted
by address) and it is usually the one at the top.
With the search window you can find things that may be interesting very quickly. For instance I normally start by typing 'player'. In the normal dissect window it helps to select the image first and uncheck 'search entire file', but you still have to click through 'find' over and over to get to something interesting.
With the search window for Crying Suns I immediately see 'PlayerState' which seems very interesting. Other things pop up that could quickly lead to cheats such as the fields "player" on the "Team" class, playerState on the RunState class, and playerBattleship on BattlefieldUI. In methods we can see Configuration.get_InvinciblePlayer, GameState.get_PlayerState, Battlefield.set_PlayerBattleship, etc.
Double-clicking a class, field, or method will open up a window for the class with
tables for Fields, Methods, and Notes. The fields will tell you the offset and let
you sort by name or offset in the 'Options' menu. It also tells you if the field is
STATIC. That would probably be good for this game to help you write a cheat. You
can use commands I'm sure to get the address of GameState.currentRunState. With that
you can get playerState
at offset 30.
Double-clicking a method in the Class window will goto the method's address in the disassembly window and open up an auto-assembly window with code to hook into the start of the method. For example in Crying Suns you can search for 'IsConnectedTo' and double-click on the method in the search window to open up the NavigationSystem class it belongs to. Then double-clicking on the method there will create this script:
define(bytes,55 48 8B EC 56)
assert(hook, bytes)
alloc(newmem,$1000, hook)
RCX: NavigationSystem (this)
RDX: CryingSuns.Navigation.NavigationSystem _system
Returns (RAX) System.Boolean
// original code
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
push rsi
jmp hook+5
jmp newmem
db bytes
You can replace the original code with this to return true so that you can jump from one system to another:
mov rax,1
The script "Register Statics" shows how to register static fields as symbols so you can use them
in your code or in table values. Here it registers CryingSuns:GameState:currentRunState
is an easy way to find the player state with fuel, commandos, and scrap:
local class = mono_findClass("CryingSuns", "GameState")
for i,f in ipairs(mono_class_enumFields(class)) do
if f.isStatic and == "currentRunState" then
registerSymbol("CryingSuns:GameState:currentRunState", mono_class_getStaticFieldAddress(mono_enumDomains()[1], class) + f.offset, true)
Unfortunately this was something I wrote a couple years ago and have forgotten a lot of the CE lua commands and never figured out how to get pop-up menus to work how I wanted. If you find some interesting classes/methods/fields you need to go to the built-in dissect window, go to 'Assembly-CSharp' and search for the name you are looking for.
- Detect/show what are enums
- Right-click class to find instances
- Right-click to create code to find statics
- Show method arguments and return values (method window?)
- Right-click to inject at start of method
- Create AA script that will inject at start, have comments showing arguments and register/stack locations
- Implement notes on class, method, field
- Notes window showing all notes
- ...