Before contributing to the project, please read our contributing guide here:
BestEvidence (BE) is an open source project commissioned by City, University of London. The purpose is to create an application that can be used to search for scientific evidence to aid a user in following the principles of evidence-based practice. The primary audience is medical professionals/students, but the app is open to all, including lay members of the public.
BestEvidence can be found at:
This URL corresponds to the production app on Heroku:
There is also a staging app to test features prior to production:
The project utilises a number of technologies, listed here:
Technology | Use in Project | dwyl Open Source Tutorial |
Elixir | Language | |
Phoenix | Framework | |
Tachyons | Styling | |
JavaScript | Front End | |
Node.js | Phoenix Dependency | |
PostgreSQL | Database | |
Heroku | Hosting | |
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phoenix.server
- Visit
from your browser.
- Add types to the database with
mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
- Add librarian to the database with
mix run priv/repo/add_librarian/exs
- Add
user to the database withmix run priv/repo/super_admin_seed.exs
(You will need to have added aSUPER_ADMIN_EMAIL
to you .env file for this to work) - Update
type in the database withmix run priv/repo/update_special_type.exs
- Add questions to the database with
mix run priv/repo/bear_question_seeds.exs
Ready to run in production? Please check the deployment guide.
This functionality allows for one way communication from administrators to users by design.
Although design solutions were presented for a 'chat' style of UI which would allow users to reply and interact with administrators, it was noted that in these early stages of the application there simply wouldn't be enough resources for BE admins to keep up with full in-app two way communications.
Administrators can communicate with:
- All users: This will be used to communicate things like new features or
important news
- Super admins are the only ones who can message all users
- Client admins can only message the users who 'belong' to this client
- Individual users: This will be used to alert users of things like if they
have inadvertently breached patient confidentiality or to lend individualised support
- All user email addresses will continue to be encrypted and no user names are collected, so this will be via user ID
Users will be able to see that they have new messages by a small red dot next
to the Messages
item in the navigation.
In their Messages screen, they will also be presented with a banner message
to let them know how to contact the BE team should they need to.
Admin user flows
The first two screens in this flow depict the current application with a change
to the navigation menu which will allow for the additional Messages
menu item.
The rest shows the administrator's Messages
screen, allowing them to pick
a specific individual to send a message to.
If the admin is to select 'Send to all' in the top right of the screen, they would
go through the following flow instead:
User's Messages
As above, the first two screens in this flow depict the current application with a change
to the navigation menu which will allow for the additional Messages
menu item.
The last screen shows the one-way communication messages screen a user sees.
Clicking See More
will expand the message to show its full content.
- Official website:
- Guides:
- Docs:
- Mailing list:
- Source:
- Tachyons Bootstrap: