This repo demonstrates how to use malli schemas to validate forms with react-hook-form
You can see the running example on github pages:
To integrate in your own codebase the main point of integration is a malli validation helper to output errors in the shape used by react-hook-form:
(defn use-malli-resolver [schema]
(let [validator (m/validator schema)
explain (m/explainer schema)]
(hooks/use-callback [schema]
(fn [data-js]
(let [data (js->clj data-js :keywordize-keys true)
valid? (validator data)]
(if valid?
#js{:values data :errors #js{}}
(let [errs (reduce-kv
(fn [errs field messages]
(doto errs
(g/set (name field) #js{:type "validation" :message (first messages)})))
(me/humanize (explain data)))]
#js{:values #js{} :errors errs})))))))
;; then in your render function use this "resolver":
(let [resolver (use-malli-resolver form-schema)
form-methods (useForm #js{:resolver resolver})
node+npm java clojure yarn 1.x
After cloning the repo:
yarn install
yarn shadow-cljs watch main
navigate to http://localhost:4023
The idea of making reusable form input components on top of controlled UI libraries comes from:
and figuring out how to use custom validation is from the react-hook-form docs