This is a very basic Python 3.6+ wrapper for the Questrade API, a Canadian low cost broker.
This package is available via PyPI and can be installed via the command
pip install qtrade
For an overview of the package API, please take a look at the docs. The main class of the package is called Questrade
and houses most of the functionality provided by the package. Below are a few examples for possible use cases.
The central class can be initialized via
from qtrade import Questrade
qtrade = Questrade(access_code='<access_code>')
where <access_code>
is the token that one gets from the Questrade API portal. It is called
since this initial token is used to get the full token data that will include
{'access_token': <access_token>,
'api_server': '<api_url>',
'expires_in': 1234,
'refresh_token': <refresh_token>,
'token_type': 'Bearer'}
The first call initializes the class and the second call gets the full token.
Another way to initialize the class is to use a token yaml-file via:
qtrade = Questrade(token_yaml='<yaml_path>')
where the yaml-file would have the general form
access_token: <access_token>
api_server: <api_url>
expires_in: 1234
refresh_token: <refresh_token>
token_type: Bearer
If the token is expired, one can use
to refresh the access token using the saved refresh token.
Once the tokens are set correctly, I have currently added methods to get ticker quotes, the current status of all positions in any Questrade account that is associated with the tokens, any account activities such as trades and dividend payments as well as historical data for tickers that are supported by Questrade.
There currently exists some basic functionality to get stock information via
aapl, amzn = qtrade.ticker_information(['AAPL', 'AMZN'])
and current stock quotes can be obtained via
aapl, amzn = qtrade.get_quote(['AAPL', 'AMZN'])
In addition, one can get historical stock quotes via
aapl_history = qtrade.get_historical_data('AAPL', '2018-08-01', '2018-08-21','OneHour')
Here, the last input parameter is the interval between quotes. Another option could be 'OneDay'
. For more options, see the Questrade API description.
In addition, the Questrade API gives access to account information about the accounts connected to the token. The accounts IDs can be accessed via
account_ids = qtrade.get_account_id()
By using the correct account ID, one can get the positions of the accounts via
positions = qtrade.get_account_positions(account_id=123456)
Finally, there exists a method to get all account activities (trades, dividends received, etc.) of an account in a certain time frame via
activities = qtrade.get_account_activities(123456, '2018-08-01', '2018-08-16')
Contributions are always appreciated! For example:
- open an issue for a missing feature or a bug
- give feedback about existing functionality
- make suggestions for improvements
- submit a PR with a new feature (though reaching out would be appreciated)
- etc.
There is a test suite that can be run via python -m pytest
. This project uses pre-commit
and black
, flake8
and isort
which takes care of automatic code formatting and linting. When setting up the development
environment, run pre-commit install
to set up the hook. This will run all the linting automatically when
committing code changes.
I am in no way affiliated with Questrade and using this API wrapper is licensed via the MIT license.