This is a simple test_client_class
for flask
that I wrote to make the rest APIs created
with openapi-python-client
work with the flask.test_client()
s when one is writing unittests
It is a bit hacky, but it is also only meant to be used for unittests.
In the example I am using OpenAPI
), because it creates an endpoint with a json-file there can be used by openapi_python_client
to create the rest-api which is used to call the flask application through the test client.
import json
import flask
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from flask_openapi3 import OpenAPI
app = OpenAPI(__name__)
class SumResponse(BaseModel):
the_sum: int = Field(..., description="sum of 2 numbers")
class NumbersRequest(BaseModel):
no_1: int = Field(..., description="1st number")
no_2: int = Field(..., description="2nd number")
@app.post(rule="/multiply-2-numbers", responses={"200": SumResponse})
def multiply_2_numbers(body: NumbersRequest):
resp = flask.Response(json.dumps({"the_sum": body.no_1 * body.no_2}))
resp.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
resp.status_code = 200
return resp
import unittest
class Testing(unittest.TestCase):
def test_10_generate_rest_lib(self):
from pathlib import Path
from openapi_python_client import GeneratorData, Config, Project, MetaType
config = Config()
with app.test_client() as client:
resp = client.get("/openapi/openapi.json")
openapi = GeneratorData.from_dict(data=resp.json, config=config)
path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("test_rest_api")
project = Project(openapi=openapi, meta=MetaType.NONE, config=config)
project.package_dir = path
project.project_dir = path
def test_20_generate_rest_lib(self):
from test_rest_api.api.default.multiply_2_numbers_multiply_2_numbers_post import (
sync_detailed as rest_api_multiply_2_numbers)
from test_rest_api.models.numbers_request import (
NumbersRequest as RestApiNumbersRequest)
from flask_httpx_request_converted_to_flask_test_client_request import ConvertHttpx2FlaskTestClient
app.test_client_class = ConvertHttpx2FlaskTestClient
with app.test_client() as client:
resp = rest_api_multiply_2_numbers(client=client,
json_body=RestApiNumbersRequest(no_1=42, no_2=1337))
assert 200 == resp.status_code
result = resp.parsed
assert 56154 == result.the_sum
if __name__ == '__main__':
ts = unittest.TestSuite()
ttr = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)