An Arduino Library that allows one client Arduino to be used as an I/O extender for a manager Arduino.
More info:
- Two way i2c
- remote set digital pin modes
- remote set digital outputs
- remote set PWM outputs
- remote read digital and analog pins
- Two arduino UNO's or compatible.
- EasyTransferI2C library
- Wire library
- Copy .H and .CPP to into .../Ardunio/Libraries/ExtraCore directory
- Connect pin A4 on both Arduinos together
- Connect pin A5 on both Arduinos together
- Connect GND on both Arduinos together
- load the manager sketch from examples on the primary
- load the client sketch from examples on the secondary
Make sure Pin 13 has an LED/resistor on each board. Hook an LED/resistor to pin 6 for PWM output on the client.
ExtraCore(); Constructor
###Manager Methods void beginManager(); Start sending and receiving data as the manager.
void setPinIOstate(pin, boolean); Set the desired INPUT/OUTPUT state of a pin.
void setDigitalOutput(pin, boolean); Set the desired HIGH, LOW output state of a pin.
void setAnalogOutput(pin, pwm); Set the desired PWM (0-255) state of a pin. Ignored if not PWM cabable.
void setTriStateValue(int, boolean); Set the pullup resistor to TRUE/FALSE. True will automatically set the pin to INPUT.
boolean getDigitalReading(pin); Get the last known digital reading from the remote.
int getAnalogReading(pin); Get the last known analog reading from the remote.
void sendConfig(); Send the current desired state of all the pins to the remote. This is required to for changes to take effect.
###Client methods: void beginClient(); begin sending and recieving as client.
boolean getPinIOstate(pin); Get the desired IO state for a pin.
boolean getOutputValue(pin); Get the desired digital output value for a pin.
boolean getTriStateValue(pin); get the desired pullup resistor value for a pin.
int getAnalogValue(pin); Get the desired PWM output for a PWM pin.
void setDigitalReading(pin, value); Set the digital reading from the remote for a pin.
void setAnalogReading(pin, value); Set the Analog reading for pin.
void sendData(); Send the currently known pin readings to the manager. This is required for updates to take effect.
boolean isDataNew(); Returns true if new data has arrived since the last time it was checked.