This project is for HackOMania 2018 by GeeksHacking.
As this is a Hackathon Build, I would not reccomend actually using the code as it can get rather 'hacky' in some bits.
Make sure you have pods installed. Run $pod install
Create a new file, setup.swift. Paste the following into the file. This is to keep my personal keys safe sorry.
import Foundation
struct GlobalConstants {
static let twilioSID = "YOUR_SID_HERE"
static let twilioSecret = "YOUR_SECRET_HERE"
static let fromNumber = "YOUR_TWILIO_NUMBER_HERE"
static let testNumber = "YOUR_OWN_NUMBER_HERE"
If you want to use these values in other areas of the app, simply call the global constant as such :
let twilioSID = GlobalConstants.twilioSID
print ("Your twilio SID is : ", twilioSID)
You can test if it's working by placing this somewhere where it will run such as ViewDidLoad.
- Twilio - For sending SMS Notifications in an Emergency
- SwiftySound - Ear Rape Alarm
- iGlooHome - Lock Api and Physcal Demo Lock for Testing
- Dalton Prescott - Main Developer - website
- Roy Tay - Co Developer
- iGlooHome for providing a demo lock and demo api
- Christoffer Tews
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used