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Driver for OLED displays with SSD1306 or SH1106

This driver is distributed without license. You may use it for free.

Author: Stefan Frings, 2017

Update by:

Author: Fabio Durigon, 2018, 2022


  • Supported display sizes: 196x16, 28x32 and 128x64 pixels.
  • The I2C communication is done by software bit-banging the configurable I/O pins.
  • Supports all print() and write() calls as the internal Serial lib of Arduino core.
  • Supports also standard C/C++ printf() function.
  • Added printf(x,y,...) to print directly at x,y coordinate with one call.
  • Some special characters are handled like in unix mode: '\n' or '\r' -> The cursor is moved to the begin of next line. '\r' and '\n' consecutive (also inverted) acts as a single one so -> The cursor is moved to the begin of next line. '\f' like line-feed scroll up entire page.
  • TTY mode:
    • Display can be used like a terminal window (without positioning the cursor before print).
    • Any call to setCursor() has no effect.
    • When the cursor position reach the bottom of the screen, the page is scrolled up by one line.
  • Added some wrappers for U8g2 library API compatibily. Now, for writing strings, You can use same U8g2 APIs (see How to use):
    • drawString(Column,Row,String) -> draw string at specific ROW and COLUMN.
    • inverse() -> enable inverted font print.
    • noInverse() -> disable inverted font print.


  • This driver supports only displays with internal charge pump and I2C interface.
  • Communication errors are not handled.
  • Only one 6x8 font is supported.

How to use:

1) Declaration

This constructor is DEPRECATED:

OLED(uint8_t sda_pin,			     // sda pin for I2C comunication
     uint8_t scl_pin,			     // scl pin for I2C comunication
	 uint8_t reset_pin=NO_RESET_PIN, // Reset pin (default: none)
	 uint8_t i2c_address=0x3C,		 // I2C address (default: 0x3C)
	 uint_fast8_t width=128,		 // Pixel width
	 uint_fast8_t height=32,		 // Pixel Height
	 bool isSH1106=false			 // Display type: true for SSD1306, false for SH1106 (default: false)  

Please Use this one:

    OLED(uint8_t sda_pin,                       // sda pin for I2C comunication
         uint8_t scl_pin,                       // scl pin for I2C comunication
	     uint8_t reset_pin=NO_RESET_PIN,        // Reset pin (default: none)
         tWidth width=W_128,                    // Display width, must be one of enum: W_96 or W_128 (default: W_128).
         tHeight height=H_32,                   // Display height, must be one of enum: H_16, H_32 or OLED::H_64 (default: H_32).
         tDisplayCtrl displayCtrl=CTRL_SSD1306, //Display controller chip, must be one of enum: CTRL_SH1106 or CTRL_SSD1306 (default: CTRL_SSD1306).
         uint8_t i2c_address=0x3C               // I2C address (default: 0x3C)

Now, minimal instance can be:

OLED Display(4,5,16);

that means:

// Contructor used for OLED display directly mounted on NodeMCU WiFi_KIT_8 model from Heltec (
OLED Display(4,5,16,OLED::W_128,OLED::H_32,OLED::CTRL_SSD1306,0x3C);


2) Initialize display lib like Serial artuino lib:



3) Write a string in 5 different ways. All these methods will produce the same output:

// Method 1: pixel position
display.draw_string(6,8,"Hello World");

// Method 2: pixel position
display.print("Hello World");

// Method 3: pixel position
display.printf(6,8,"Hello World");

// Method 4: pixel position
display.printf("Hello World");

// Method 5: ROW and COLUMN position (U8g2 library API wrapper)
display.drawString(1,1,"Hello World");


4) Show on display

Previous function calls only put data in display memory. When You want di show it up, You need to call:


This call tell to display driver to refresh the view with memory content.  

U8g2 wrappers:

Setup U8g2:

#include <U8x8lib.h>
U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_HW_I2C display(U8X8_PIN_NONE,19,18);

Setup this lib (no need to set font):

#include <oled.h>
OLED display(18,19,NO_RESET_PIN,OLED::W_128,OLED::H_64);

Common usage:

display.drawString(0,0,"Inverted Hello World"); // first line
display.drawString(0,1,"Normal Hello World"); // second line

The only difference is that this lib use only one 6x8 font, so, total columns are 21 insead of 16 of U8g2 8x8 font.