A lightweight framework to build REST API wrappers in Java, with built in rate limiting and common API for both sync and async requests. The name is latin for "rest"
public class MyAPI extends Reliqua {
public PendingRequest<Thing> getThing() {
return createRequest(new Request.Builder().url("https://some.site/thing"))
.build(response->new Thing(getDataFromResponse(response)), context->handleError(context));
To use it:
MyAPI api = new MyAPI();
api.getThing().async(thing->System.out.println("got thing: " + thing), error->System.err.println("got error: " + error));
Thing thing = api.getThing().execute();
System.out.println("got thing: " + thing);
Future<Thing> futureThing = api.getThing().submit();
PendingRequest objects may be reused:
PendingRequest<Thing> r = api.getThing();
r.async(thing->System.out.println("got thing: " + thing), error->System.err.println("got error: " + error));
Thing thing = r.execute();
System.out.println("got thing: " + thing);
Future<Thing> futureThing = r.submit();
Reliqua includes a built in rate limiting API. Check the RateLimiterFactory class for more details.
More information can be found on the javadocs
repositories {
maven {
name 'duncte123-jfrog'
url 'https://duncte123.jfrog.io/artifactory/maven'
dependencies {
implementation group: 'me.duncte123', name: 'reliqua', version: '[VERSION]'