tym, but redone in C/C++ because i want to go lower...
GNU General Public License v3.0 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
- Designed (currently) to serve static HTML, JS, CSS, PNG, and JSON files.
- This means it can serve very simple web pages or even a basic website with links and such.
In short: tym2 is planned to be a framework for which simple websites can be served across light hardware. Right now (this inital series of commits), tym2 serves little more than a tutorial/sample piece of how one might use libmicrohttpd within C++. (and as such this shares a lot in common with the sample code found at https://www.gnu.org/software/libmicrohttpd/)
- configurable routes.
- Postgresql support.
- optional gzipping.
- Further samples (other than that already provided).
- a foundational/bare-bones CMS (that can be configured and made to look nice, this author isn't a designer sorry)
- interstellar travel?
- organice source files into a src folder :)