Ben10 Omnitrix is an interactive toy which reacts to some sounds embedded inside the soundtrack of the comic series.
> python3 --help
Usage: [options] (code)+
generate waveforms corresponding to the given codes which trigger
actions on a ben10 omnitrix toy device.
code is a string of base 4 digit (0,1,2,3) of any length forming a
code to generate. you can specify multiple codes, they will be either
played in sequence or saved individually as wave files. you can also
use a asterisk (*) as a wildcard for any digit of the code, the
generator will then generate multiple codes going through all posible
values for this digit.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --export export the generated waveforms as .wav file named
after each code into the current folder.
-p, --play play the generated waveforms on the default system
soundcard. each code is played one after the other,
with a pause inbetween each. the pause time is
controlled with the -t option. play is the default
action if none of play or export are specified.
-t PAUSE, --pause=PAUSE
duration in seconds of the pause interval between each
waveform when playing. (default: 1 s)
sample rate used for waveform generation.(default:
48000 hz)
script will extracts the code from a given wave file.
> python3 "058 Wildmutt SE 15kHz.wav.wav"
script generates a random code starting with 2 and ending with 1023. this convention stems from the fact that every known code to date conform to this format.