This repo contains a pure-Go re-implementation of protoc
This project is forked from jhump/goprotoc and modified to hanlde opts flags and to override the go
and go_grpc
plugins with built-ins that use go run
This is useful for Go projects that want to avoid a dependency.
The implementaiton delegates to a protoc
executable on the path, driving it as if it were a plugin, for generating
C++, C#, Objective-C, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, and Ruby code (since they are implemented in protoc
But it provides descriptors to protoc
, parsed by goprotoc
, instead of having protoc
re-parse all of the source
go get
go get
go get
Then in your module, you can replace protoc
with go run
So long as the invocation uses only the go
and go_grpc
plugins, you won't need to install any local generation dependencies besides the go toolchain.
//go:generate go run --go_out=./output --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go_grpc_out=./output --go_grpc_opt=paths=source_relative schema.proto
This project is intended as a replacement for protoc
in projects that want to avoid requireing that as a dev dependency. It's only intended to work within a Go module where the plugin dependencies are already included.
Future scope could include a way to specify additional plugins that are written in pure Go. With the Go 1.24 propoal to manage tool dependencies, this will likely be that all plugins will be invoked with go tool <plugin_name>
instead of the current go run <import_path>