[core] Improve C++ core code quality.
Minor release mainly intended to improve C++ core code quality to make it easier to read and maintain. It also fixes the last remaining issues to easily build Boost.Python extension modules when Jiminy is installed using pip.
- [core] Allow arbitrary large controller update period.
- [core] Improve error reporting by printing fully qualified function name without arguments.
- [core] Do not shuffle first iteration cycle of 'PGSolver', and initialize indices in reverse order to make convergence (hopefully) faster.
- [gym/common/envs] Refresh action space before observation space since action could be part of observation but not conversely.
- [gym/examples] Automatically monitor env step 'info' on Tensorboard's histograms when using RLlib backend.
Bug fixes
- [core] Fix computation of visco-elastic coupling forces.
- [core] Remove C-style cast, and avoid unnecessary cast.
- [core] Remove irrelevant virtual keywords.
- [core] Replace (u)int32_t by std::size_t/ptrdiff_t when appropriate for clarity and portability.
- [core] Enable implicit conversion, deprecation, c-style cast, and unused variables warnings.
- [core] Remove all dependencies to jsoncpp in core headers.
- [core/python] Add fallback to complementary unsigned/signed type for integers for 'convertFromPython'.
- [gym/common/wrappers] Relax argument type of 'FilteredFrameStack' for convenience.
- [gym/common/wrappers] Rename 'FilterFrameStack' in 'FilteredFrameStack' for clarity.
- [gym/examples] RLlib 'evaluate' helper method now returns aggregated info over episode.
- [gym/examples] Only log data in Tensorboard format when RLlib is used, to dramatically reduce log folder size.
- [misc] Minor update of easy install dependencies.
- [misc] Do not install 'robotpkg-urdfdom' binaries since 'liburdom-dev' is already installed by other easy-install dependencies.
- [misc] Relax Ubuntu version check for easy install script since it should work on any release in practice.
- [misc] More robust Python library finding in provided CMake configuration file.
- [misc] Check compatibility with required jiminy version if any in provided CMake configuration file.
- [misc] Detect Numpy headers in provided CMake configuration file.
- [misc] Add missing boost definitions in CMake configuration file.